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I'm sad.


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Hey guys...


It may come to a surprise to some of you guys, but its true, I feel guilty. Before you ask I've done nothing wrong, it's just how I feel about myself. I'm assuming you've read the 200 raped thread where four men raped all those poor women?


God...I feel so ashamed to call myself a man, to even look at myself anymore with acceptance. I've been like this latetly, like there's no way to escape it. So much pain that women have to endure while my gender thrives on acts such as this. Not to say that all are bad but are we really this cruel? If so, I don't think I'll ever live it down...


That's the pain that comes with morality Keanu. You should if anything feel proud of yourself for regret and anger like that, it proves you're a good man and that you arent like those scum guerillas.


We, you and I, can do nothing about the rape in the congo, and that's why it makes me so angry, but we can however do things on our end. Treat women with respect-there is nothing ordinary human being can do to change the world in a day, but over a life time you can make a diference even if just in the lives of the people you know.


And it's not men, atleast, not men as males. It's hatred. Hatred and utter corruption and loss of ethics. I think from what you're saying is that you're afraid that even you might have it in you to commit atrocities like that. You dont, I can tell you that now. All humans can go mad as these rebels have, but the obcene acts they have commited are not done for sex, but as a hate crime, and all humans can commit those if they allow their emotions to completely control their actions. Such people become like animals, less than human, it's such beasts that commited this unspeakable evil.


You shouldnt feel ashamed of your gender-nobody should, but you are right to be angry about the subjucation of women, it's a crime, and it's right to be angry about it.


I know Vin...I know, but it's so hard to believe that I'm not.


I know in my heart that I'm not an animal, that I'm gentle and kind and will always treat a women as such. But throughout history, women have never had as good as we have it, and even today that's true. I hate the belief that we are dominant because Adam came first in the image of God, and so, the male must be perfect. Well I sure as hell don't feel perfect, I feel guilty. It just isn't fair to them, and when pregnancy rolls in its just going to be devestating. Oh boy, so much pain they have to endure.


But I do feel better now, and I look at women more seriously and not a prize to obtain. I wish all men were like me, not dogs but as a human male should act; a loyal companion that equals that of the women we will love.

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I said it in other thread and I'll state it here for you, my friend


It makes us stronger Keanu, we go though many things in life and people (even women) look down on us. All we can do is to keep on trucking and hope for the best. That's what makes us stronger. Heck there have been bad things that have happened to me that I don't want to even discuss about but all I can do is to move on with my life and hope for a better future because it is the only thing that I can do.


Don't feel sad or helpless, it is not your fault, you didn't caused it. These people are animals but I won't let my anger to take hold of me and you should (I think everyone else here as well) let your anger take hold of you either. We shouldn't lower ourselves to their level, as this is what they want. Death is the easy option, life prison is better as they will have the guilt in front of them for as long as they live.

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I said it in other thread and I'll state it here for you, my friend


It makes us stronger Keanu, we go though many things in life and people (even women) look down on us. All we can do is to keep on trucking and hope for the best. That's what makes us stronger. Heck there have been bad things that have happened to me that I don't want to even discuss about but all I can do is to move on with my life and hope for a better future because it is the only thing that I can do.


Don't feel sad or helpless, it is not your fault, you didn't caused it. These people are animals but I won't let my anger to take hold of me and you should (I think everyone else here as well) let your anger take hold of you either. We shouldn't lower ourselves to their level, as this is what they want. Death is the easy option, life prison is better as they will have the guilt in front of them for as long as they live.


Your right, and I know it, I just wish this feeling would go away. Considering how things have been, I feel a lot better than before.

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I feel your pain. Every time I hear about things like this it wracks me with guilt and the worst thing I've ever done is a couple of minor fist fights. One of those was actually started with a guy that bragged about essentially date-raping his girlfriend. I had to be physically restrained as while I am not particularly skilled, I make up for that with size, power, and rage. The depths that the human race can sink too no longer surprises me, but it still causes pain and regret regardless.
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I feel your pain. Every time I hear about things like this it wracks me with guilt and the worst thing I've ever done is a couple of minor fist fights. One of those was actually started with a guy that bragged about essentially date-raping his girlfriend. I had to be physically restrained as while I am not particularly skilled, I make up for that with size, power, and rage. The depths that the human race can sink too no longer surprises me, but it still causes pain and regret regardless.


Diguisting...simply disguisting...


I hope that jerk got what was coming to him. :mad:

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I feel your pain. Every time I hear about things like this it wracks me with guilt and the worst thing I've ever done is a couple of minor fist fights. One of those was actually started with a guy that bragged about essentially date-raping his girlfriend. I had to be physically restrained as while I am not particularly skilled, I make up for that with size, power, and rage. The depths that the human race can sink too no longer surprises me, but it still causes pain and regret regardless.


Diguisting...simply disguisting...


I hope that jerk got what was coming to him. :mad:

I know he got jail time. Crystal (the young woman he attacked) went to the police and it went to court. I never saw him again, although I also haven't talked to Crystal since 2000. Her friend's boyfriend was a regular at our wargame club back in Michigan which is how I knew her and about all this.

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