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Creating Mounts With All New Models


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I made a whale for Oblivio nand now want to turn it into a mount . I have turned almost every Oblivion creature into a mesh so I know the process and dont need help with the process but now when I try to make the mount and put it in game i get the error " No data for base node " or something along those lines. Im pretty sure this is a problem because of my creature mesh so I am sending this message to all the people who have made new custom model mounts and were able to succesfully place them in game. I dont know how to fix this but any help is appreciated
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I'm unclear what you mean by "I have turned almost every Oblivion creature into a mesh so I know the process and dont need help with the process but now when I try to make the mount and put it in game..."


You say you've turned every creature "into a mesh". Do you mean "into a mount"?


You don't turn things into meshes. They already are. That's the phrase used for a 3D model.


Then you say you know the process. What process? Making mounts? Opening creatures in a 3D program?



If you meant you have made existing creatures into mounts, but can't make your own creature into a mount, I don't know how to help. Sorry.


If you meant you know how to open a creature mesh in a 3D program, but don't know how to make it into a mount, try this:



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Sorri I meant to write I have turned every creature into a MOUNT just a small word mistake and I know 3d modeling terminology and if you read the post you would have seen that I made a CUSTOM 100 percent from scratch mesh and that I know the process of making mounts
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Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, and I did read the post. It was not clear by it that you made your own model. I was outlining everything to keep my bases covered.
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