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Redguard Or Nord?

Counter Shock

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i think that a redguard would be the choice for me. i think that i like playing the nordic race but he would never have a good marksman off the hop like that. i like playing as a redguard aswell; i love to have my redguard have high markman cause like he has adreniline rush and all i do is pick people off and if i miss continually then i play the power of adreniline rush and kick some serious butt. but this would limit my leveling in the latter part of the game and i would have to cheat to raise level. I honestly think that it doen't really matter which one you pick in the end. each race has it's own set of unique cirrcumstances that change with different skills. i agree with this statement:

"Also need to remember, having higher skills in your main skills at the beginning will limit how high you can level at the end. Sure, it makes it a bit easier, but long term is more important. By being slightly weaker, you also learn to fight better, and raise your weapon skills faster."[END QUOTE] enjoy the game regardless of the race you choose or the skills that they use.




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