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I am a big time believer in the Paranormal. So lets get a thread going, talking about our experiences.


I'll share a few with you, they are my friends' experiences as I dont want to talk about mine (and yes I do have permission to write this from my friends :P)


1. One of my friends was one day taking a bag of potatoes upstairs to the storage cupboard when she was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around... nothing there. So she continued up the stairs, and when she got to the top she thought to herself "I have the urge to turn around." So she put down the potatoes, turned, and there was a ghost coming up the stairs with its arms out reaching for her.... when I was told that I crapped myself :blink:


2. My friend lost her mother 2 years ago. One day, when her mum was in hospital, she was home alone. She went to the kitchen to get a drink, and on the way, she looked in the mirror. Behind her in the mirror was what she described, believe it or not, as "Death", the "Grim Reaper". She crapped herself and jumped into the corner crying. Eventually it left. She got up, went to phone her friend, and the phone rang. She picked it up and it was the hospital saying her mum had just died. She believes to this day that Death had come to get her mother.


3. I live in a town called Bexleyheath. Now, in this town, there is a shopping centre (mall) where alot of peoplle hang out. It was built around 1850 and still stands (obviously). Well anyway, there is a Clock Tower there that displays the time. I found out recently that a ghost called a Banshee resides inside. Now, a banshee is a ghost that, before her death, was a female witch. But, when these witches died they were condemned to an afterlife of no talk... just screams! If you see a banshee, their mouths supposedly open 10 inches and they let out a blood curdling scream. If you hear this scream, you go mad... or if you have "The Gift" you are turned into a Banshee.

Well, my friend claims to have heard the banshee at 12:15am once. He was up there with some friends, and they walked past the tower... my friend then said he faintly heard a scream coming from the tower. Now, he didnt hear it directly so hes fine... but in the local paper there was an article about a man who went mad at 12:15am the same night as my friend went out, after he had heard a scream!....


Now, does anyone else have any experiences? PLEASE share :)

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I, too, am a big believer in the paranormal. I haven't had any real experiences, though.... But one time, I was at a friend's house, in his basement, and I got a really distinct vibe that there was someone or something behind me; I turned around and there wasn't.
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My only experience with this sort of thing was about 4 years ago. Didn't see anything but I had a very strong sense like something was about. The strange thing is that we were the only family to have ever inhabited the house, being the first owners. Reminded me of Poultergiest (sp?) when they built their house on a graveyard. Needless to say I nearly pissed myself when there was a loud crash of thunder and flash of lightning moments after. I don't think I slept at all that night.
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My school rents its land from a church, and some of the buildings on the churches prperty are really old.


One day, setting up for graduation, We were in one of the buildings, getting chairs. Once we were done, we were allowed to go upstairs. This building was VERY old. They had somesinks/bathtubs up there that had rusted so much it looked like blood. It was like walking into 'Resident Evil'. They had this picture up there of a Bishop, and it was one of the ones where the eyes followed you. I stared at it for a while, and then went back downstairs and out of the building. Once I left, It felt like something let go of my brain.


Dunno what this counts as, but still freaky.

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A lot of strange atmospheric things can take place during electrical storms. The charge actually builds up on the ground before a lightning bolt occurs. If your near that area you get physical feelings from it, anywhere from static to hair standing on end sending a chill up your spine to nausea. It's really interesting : D
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Hmm never really had any "ghost" like experiences but i've had a few really freaky camping experiences. I live in los angeles and sometimes go camping up in the mountains before you hit the grape vine. A group of friends and i were in a little area called lock wood valley. It's well known for being an area with cultist activities however we were in a big group so we felt pretty safe. The lay of the land is interesting. The area we were in was right on the pyru creak. It is sort of layed out in a half canyon half valley area and full of a mix of dry pines and yucca and tons and tons of weeds and overgrowth. Quite honestly its hard to see ahead of you when your walking through. While we were hiking to find a good camping spot ( turned out to be a short 10 mile hike back) I constantly had the weird feeling like I was being watched. I know you've all had it. Anyways I just kept feeling like I had to keep an eye out over my shoulder for some reason. I didn't tell anyone else since it was their first time hiking/camping. Figured if i freaked them out totally the first time then they'd never go camping again. I guess it was partly the lay of the land though, it has a peaceful happy feeling to it yet its just dead quiet. The only sound you could really hear was just us walking. and maybe a rock or two tumbling and the river was dried out this time and full of weeds. We finally found a good flat place to lay out the tent. It was about 6pm then and just starting to get dark. So we built a campfire out of some scrapwood and random crud we found nearby. *FASTFORWARDS hours of hanging out and talking and boring crud* Around 11pm ish we decided to turn in so we put out the fire. We all went into our tents zipped it up and went to bed. The freaked out feelings i had early totally passed and i basically forgot about it. I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason which is unusual since im usually a really deep sleeper. I could barely here a sound, must have been a few miles away though since I could barely make it out but it sounded like 2 women or girls or something screaming. After a few minutes it just stopped and all I could hear was the dead silence of the night. Needless to say I started to wonder what it was. I tried to pass it off as just some guys messing with their girlfriends trying to freak them out or something. But that little bit of uneasyness kept eating at me like what about the small possibility of it being something else. I remember pretty clearly growing more and more afraid as it ate at me more and more so i took the best action i could think of at the moment; I stayed awake. I just layed there hour after hour listening long and hard for more sounds but it was just dead quiet. Believe me silence can be a VERY bad thing when you are afraid. So i just layed there listening hard for the slightest sound and telling myself I imagined the whole thing. A few hours later (guessing it was that but it felt like an eternity) I could hear a little bit of movement through all the undergrowth...I totally tensed up and just layed there expeting a knife or something through my tent any moment. However nothing happened, the sound went away. (probably an animal or something) The next morning the four of us got up and we packed up and headed back to our car. One of my friends asked us all if we heard anything unusual in the night. Of course i said no...but he gave me a look and im sure he could tell i was lieing. I don't think the others did though. About a week later though I found out 2 women went missing around the same time period as our hike...which really freaked me out. It still does to this day, which is why i don't hike around lockwood anymore. I have a few more experiences but I don't feel like typing anymore at the moment :P, and some i don't really care to remember. Edited by DiseasedPunk
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Well i havn't gone crazy...er well crazier than i was before that. I'm guessing 2 women went on an evening hike and ran into a group of satanists who sacrificed them. Which has happened before. I've ran into bloody altars and pentagrams made up of rocks and all sorts of things. The law around that area says never to hike back in the mountains during Halloween because people have dissapeared and have been found later in pieces :P. Anyhow im pretty sure it wasn't a ghost but i'd be happier to accept that more than what actually happened because...I know the sacrices happen for sure but i still havn't seen any evidences of ghost. So the fact that sacrifices can really happen totally freaks me out.
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One of my friends when he was at Uni he was staying in a small flat with his friends, one day he found a stray dog so cos it was night he thought to give it to the dog people RSPCA or something and so he get the dog for this night.When he was sleeping the dog woke him up in the night and he says that some light was coming out from a room he saw under the cracks of the door, which really freaked him up cos the room had no lightbulb! :o



Another one of my friends says when he was at his grans house he was in one of the rooms and closed his eyes he had a vision of seeing some freaky face for 1 second he thought it was nothing so he went downstairs and he felt someone behind him push him!


My brother woke up in the night and he saw a outline of someone standing on a box in his room but he dosent know who that who that was I think it might of been me sleep walking and standing on the box cos i used to sleep walk.

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