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Missing Doors


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I'm having problems continuing my Fighter's Guild quests. I've hit the point when you have to infiltrate the Blackwood Company. I talk to the leader about joining and he tells me to go to the training room downstairs, but the only problem with that is that their is no training room! The doors in the building that require loading are missing. All but the entrance door. The doors are gone and all that are there are holes in the map, and if I jump in them I just fall under the map. I've removed all my addons to see if something was bugging it, but nothing changed. And I loaded on other characters I have and the doors work fine! I don't know why my character is glitched but I can't complete the Fighter's Guild Questline anymore.



Is their anyway to fix this door problem?

Or atleast bypass this part of the quest?

I've already completed this on another character so I don't care about the story to it.

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Yes the quest is called "Infiltration," but nothing happened when I entered it. Or do you think I did something wrong?


I'm not good with the Console, but here are the numbers of the doors I'm missing.


"Door" 0003db44

"Door" 00032f6a

"Door" 0003db49


Is their anyway I can use the console to use the doors even if their not their?

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