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Forum Search Results Page Count Bug


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This bug confused me at first since the count of "Results" is the number of Posts containing the searched phrase I expected that number of threads. The extra pages are completely empty, so I assumed that there were threads I could not see on the other pages. But changing the results to show individual Posts instead of just Threads came back with a list of posts which filled up the same number of pages (including blank ones) which came back when showing results by Thread. I first noticed the bug when I searched for "IMCN" in the upper right of the Forum UI. I've attached a picture of the first page and the second page of that search to help illustrate the problem. Hope this helps.
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I have the same problem as well.


It's definitely not a Browser problem, as FinalFrog uses Google Chrome, while I use Mozilla Firefox.


It's not a big problem for me, but it kind of demotivates me when I'm searching for something and such a huge list appears.^^

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