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remove the hp regenaration from companions


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I am currently seaching for a Mod that takes away the hp regeneration from the companions. In return I want them to fall unconscious and get up again when the fight is over with low hp (1 - 20) so I have to give them a Stimpack.


My goal is to realy have to provide them with stimpacks without loosing them after every fight with a deathclaw. If there is a Mod out there please post the Link, if not you coult explain how it s done and I do it myself.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if you're still searching or found a solution already, but...


Each companion has a script attached to them, and in the script there's an OnCombatEnd block which runs whenever combat ends. Inside that block there are lines for resetting companion health and limb condition. You can just remove the 'resethealth' line and it'll stop the autohealing after combat. If you set the companions essential in addition to this, I think it might work like you described... not sure.


This mod prevents healing after combat and some other optional tweaks: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37181/?

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