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The Gray Fox Chargen Slider Values


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Hey, I'm using Chargen With Number 0.02 and I was wondering if anyone had the slider values for The Gray Fox? I tried looking on the CS, but the values were to a different scale, so I had to do maths (gasp) to figure out some, but most of it was completely off. So yeah, any help is appreciated :)
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Well, if you were talking about in-game you should know that the CS has more than just slider values to determine a character's appearance. You can grab parts of the face and pull them around. I've been able to achieve things with foreheads that I haven't been able to do with sliders.


You might be able to import the Grey Fox's face into a save game with Wrye Bash, but I'm not sure.


P.S. I haven't gotten far enough in the game to meet the Grey Fox, so please put any pictures inside a Spoiler button. Thanks.

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