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Could anyone please create Zacks Buster Blade, from Crisis Core Final Fantasy? Here's a few pics.






Many thanks =]


If it's already been created, please give me a link?


Thanks again!

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I dont know much about Final Fantasy, but there's a list of Final Fantasy mods stickied, in this part of the forum.


I know for a fact that there is a Buster Blade, dont know if its the exact one youre looking for, but it looks pretty much like your pictures.

Buster Sword @ TesNexus

again, Im sorry if its not the correct one, heres an image for comparison


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there are plenty of FF mods out there if your looking for a buster blade just go to the nexus and type in the searc something along these lines: Crisis Core, Buster sword, Cloud...etc :thumbsup:
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