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Oblivion Blender Tutorial?


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Sure let me help you out with that Let me find some good links


Blender from Noob to Pro This is a great tutorial be sure to follow through them all


Echos tutorial 1

Echos tutorial 2




Both of those by Echo a great moderler and Lhammonds has the most useful ones that I used when I was learning



Lhammonds Tut 1

Lhammonds Tut 2




And if you need any help let me know Id be glad to help you out if you get stuck or just dont plain know what to do !

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After some playing around with Blender a bit, trying to get things to work the way I want, I've come to the conclusion that..... I'm hopeless.

Any advice? Though I'm pretty sure I will give up on Blender.


I am using Blender 2.49b (I think) and I got to the point in Echos Tutorial 1 that you "Extrude" to make the first part of the sword, I did it but it didn't look the same. :(

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Once you figure out the blender basics, you'll find out the interface is actually pretty nice and both fun and rewarding. To simply model and UV map for Oblivion, you really only need a few keys and your mouse. Alonso's tutorial links will be the best way to learn. It took me two weeks to figure out how to make anything in Blender and I just used tutorials. Here are some more though: Oblivion modeling specific tutorials http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Portal:Modeling

Blender specific tutorials http://www.blender.org/education-help/tutorials/modeling/

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