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Armor Mod Maker?


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Odd question I know but is there any one who can make armor without having a base? I would like to find some one who can make Xena Armor, or Castilo Armor. Pretty much female armor that isnt crude :). Thanks,



Also after reading all 74ish pages of requests here are a few more along these lines if some one wants to make a package..


-Amazon Outfits

-Gabriels Outfits

-Xena's Outfits

-Calisto's Outfit

-Roman Outfist


I know there are some gifted modders out there who can whip this stuff up quickly if they wanted to :) Thanks, Sylverlyf

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Most of what is limiting new armor mods is the lack of a decent mesh exporter. Add to it the fact that right now there are 2-4 different body type standards, ranging from default, Eshemes, seamless, Growlfs Hot Body, and maybe someone else. Unfortunately, Growlfs Hot Body seems to be the more supported one despite the disproportionate figure and general trashyness of it (no offense intended). Eshemes is a bit better with proportions, and works better with most of the default stuff, but there hasn't been much visible development for it lately.


However, getting back to your question, I think there are a few armors like what you are looking for around somewhere, the problem is finding them.



comes close, and is about all I've been able to come across.


I would imagine that until a decent export function is available, and some generally accepted standard is made about body type, the amount of new armor that isn't just another retex will be rather limited. It isn't the lack of gifted moders, it's just that some seem to have their hands in their pants half the time.

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:D wow great armor, thank you this is closer to what i was looking for :) so far i dont have any body alteration mods, so the inital armor would only have to be on standardized stuff.
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