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FCOM Quest start locations?


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The Vampire Quest Starts by Reading a Book... Dont remember the name but you can FInd it In Vicente Valtieri's Chamber in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary.


Threre is a Quest on Skyrim Bandits, go read the Notes for it in Bruma, easy to find just search the streets.


Same thing for Enslavement quest, go to Bravil/Cheydinhal and find the notes on the wall, read them and the Quests will start.


Also something like this in the Imperial City, I didnt do that one so dont know what it's about.


There are some more Quests which I havent found yet, Here's one.


Hope that helps.

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Ok, I looked around a little bit, here's the official FCOM spoilers page, just dont ruin all the Experiance! Hope it Helps.



Oscar Mike, Out.

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