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Dragan's (and Osiris') Clothing And Hair Shop


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After the first "Renaissance" robes, Dragan is working a new set of 40 new stylish, excellent robes.

Here's the original post from Rethan Manor , including some screenshots:


For few month i have begin with an new clothing set using NioLiv's Balloon-mesh Robes:

width=200 height=200http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/6680/robes9tu.jpg[/img]


To the same time i have worked on a new skirtmesh, but physique was not so my thing :hmm: , so i was very happy that Mandamus physique it and just it works



width=200 height=200http://img77.imageshack.us/img77/6020/skirt4nx.jpg[/img]


After this, i have made some experiments with the skirt and just i have two versions of this mesh:

width=200 height=200http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/5320/experiments16uc.jpg[/img]


The shirts/tunics of NioLivs Harem Addon works definitly good with the skirt, so that it looks like an robe.


For this robe i found, it must gives new Hairstyles. So i work at time on some hairmodels. 2 of them can you see in a closer view on the last picture.


All this robes/hairs must have an little shop and here i plan the shop on the road between Seyda Neen and Pelagiad.


More screens comes follow ..


And this is a screenshot which shows the hair; the heads are by Emma, like in the last "Renaissance" clothing mod:


Thank you all.


Here an loose long hair model.




It's based up on an free posermodel.


We are comes to an agreement in order to work in team for this new Morrowind mod.

While Dragan will be taken care, obviously, of the dressed and of the hairs (all is still work in progress and susceptible of changes and improvements ), i will take care myself of the creation of the store.

In my intentions, this shop will not be a mere container for the usual clothing - vendor NPC; but rather a place adapted to the high class of these robes (as Korana has taught with her “Provincial Bath Shoppe” and her other mods).


At the moment i have planned to equip this store of 3 rooms, and eventually to use models and textures of other authors (for which in we are attended of the authorization), etc.

In particular, i am thinking to equip the showroom with some wooden mannequins that wears the dresses for purpose and in order to show the robes in a better - looking way.


We are deciding in which city to put the mod: leaving to lose Balmora (...), personally i think that Vivec can be a good choice, because aren't still many mods inside of it; even if work with the Velothi architecture looks quite difficult.

But i love a lot also Vos, and someone has suggested Khuul to me…

We will see.


In any case, at the moment i'm not planning to equip the shop with strange and innovative new features (such as quests, new scripts, new musical themes, or similar), because i'm still studying the Construction Set; and that's why you will have to wait a little for the release.

However i will do my best in order to decorate the rooms, and all your suggestions are warmly welcome... So please post here anithing you want and anyrthing you think about this idea.


osiris & Dragan

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