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Does This Still Work?


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I just got started into Oblivion after besting just about every quest on Morrowind GoTY, and I haven't foun any SPellcrafters yet. There was a cheat on Morrowind that I think might work on Oblivion, but I would like to know if anyone tried it and had it successfully work. Is spellcrafting, you would use Fortify (stat) for X for 2 seconds on Self and the Soultrap on target, and by casting this spell it would permenantly increase that stat.
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Well, you have to advance in the Mages Guild to spellcraft and enchant now. You do these things at the altars in the Imperial City. You can't get there unless you get recommendations from all the other guild halls. There you go. :)
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Well, you have to advance in the Mages Guild to spellcraft and enchant now. You do these things at the altars in the Imperial City. You can't get there unless you get recommendations from all the other guild halls. There you go. :)






However, Ra'sava, there is a Mages' Guild access cheat thing on here. Would you like me to go get it? Also, the officical plugin Frostcrag Spire has one for spellmaking and enchanting. However, Ra'sava, Morrowind had more quests. The only officicial factions are the Dark Brotherhood, Arena, and the Fighters'/Mages'/Thieves' Guilds. There is also the Service Amulet. Search that and it should come up. There are cheats for it, just go to http://www.gamespot.com/ , go to cheats, and you should find it.

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