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rp char sheet creation


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i have recently discovered that i abosolutly suck at role playing.... but i love to make the char sheets for them.... so i was at a miss as what to do.. intill i thort.... why not make them for others...

so to All and any poast here if you want a sheet typed up and pmed back to ya... f cause ill need to know what rp it is



here are two sheets ive made..... as egsamples


ps... you may need to spell check



armagetton:before the rift

(third char sheet)

NAME: Vear`e ~ Haka....translates to The Traitor





scales of dark blue and gold she also has a small tattoo on her left shoulder

tail cut at birth so it is shorter than that of her kind...this also marks her as a outcast

WEAPON(S): a short sword similar to that of roman make witch has runes etched in the side, forged in Drakkar blood, forged of iron

a small ornamental dagger made from obsidian encrusted with ruby's and white pearls....the only memento she has of her birth mother...it looks like it can be inserted into a lock

ARMOR: very little armor made from died leather and bone tapped together with obsidian studs

she wears silk robes of black and red sown together with silver thread over her armor

OTHER BELONGINGS: a small pack containing herbs and outer ingredients required of her magic

a journal containing scribbles, various spells, notes on the leads shes chasing as well as being used as a diary

a quill making kit along with several feathers(uses her own blood as ink)

MAIN SKILLS: the blade; the ability to dance with ones own weapon as a partner in battle falling each foe as the dance continues

blood and destructive alchemy/magic, base e lament fire; blood and iron the two strongest elements used in alchemy combined with with what skill she has of magic...is the strongest when the moon/moons are full

far-sight;the ability to see and hear others conversations across vast distances...sometimes across dimensions

HOMELAND: Outcast...rejected by her own kind...but grew up in Saros

FACTION: To who holds the most gold

HISTORY:(note....this is written as if a part of her journal)

blood...it began with blood and must end with it...My name is Vear`e ~ Haka...if you are reading this then you have found my journal..and my corps...listen to my tale thus far and answer this...will you take up my quest to for who I am...i will keep this short as not to bother your time to much

from much of my past i cannot remember....but rumors of my birth say that i was born a flame, my mothers blood covering my scales unaffected, my own blood seeping out burning brightly like unholy fire..it only stopped when my mother died and my tail was cut. then i was sent away to die in the lands of Saros...

but little did they know i was found by a couple who told me one day they preyed for a child...i was there gift..beyond this my childhood is fuzzy and hard to remember my time in the wilds....my adopted farther was a smith and taught me the ways of the blade and said i needed to know how to use one for when i was older..i now know why

the worlds a misterous place....the day the guards from Ados to claim rotten corps they found nothing my after birth. i saw this in a dreamed warned my parents...they hid me then there was a knock at the door and then a scream..i ran towards it ignoring the words of my farther still echoing my head....

my adopted mother was killed...i looked to the guards...they looked at me and shouted my name...the first time i herd it...tears flowed down my cheeks as anger built it way up...i remember clearly what happened next..i picked up a knife that my adopted mother was using to cut vegetables for the soup she made...my favorite one to..the guards said i had better be care full with it...i don't know why....then one of them cut my side...i screamed in agony...then spoke words i now know as incantations...the blood that seeped worked it way up around the blade i held and started to burn...the guards say this and became frightened. i looked toward them and slowly walked to them still weeping at the loss of my adopted mother...then they fell one by one by the blade I held...I collapsed in the pool of there blood

my adopted farther woke me and asked me "did you do this?....."I think you are ready to forge your own blade"..then he led me to his forge ...and bucked the blood that has spilled into the pool to cool the iron and the guards blades into a pile ready to be reforged.....by the next day my farther was dead...fallen by the wounds given to him....but my blade was made and cooled in the blood of those who inflicted them..then a saw something...something that i remember having with me when i was left to rot...as soon as i touched it i knew my birth mother was dead....i was alone and some who knew i had to find my birth farther no matter the cost...and now as i wright this having mastered my magic ad the blade i forged all that time ago....in the tavern built on the sight i was left all that time ago... i wright so others will know my story and hopefully will find my birth farther and tell him that his daughter is dead...



Mech Tactics: Operation Svaboda

(second char sheet, never got put up because of spelling)


Name :Xan Kavyer ; Call Sign: Rook

Age:unknowen, estimation, early twenties



Perks/Skills: sometimes finds that he connects mentillay to his mech this he calles synchronization

Weaknesses:complete disregard for him self and the environment


Class 9 classification Required // set hack.... loading.... gathering pool data realating to

Xan Kavyer Expermint no. 249...

Chang's log no. 1; We Finaly captured a russan spy, first we are gonna get wot he knows out of him with a mind wipe then feed him false information and send him home, the russens won't know wot hit e'm...

Chang's log no. 2; Bad news came in, the General wants us to hand him over to some level 9 geeks once we have done the mind wipe, the roomers must be true...

Project Maverack log no. 1; We have finaly received our first human speaciman and wot a fine one he is too, he should servive the sinaptick link prosess.

Project Maverack log no. 2; Sucess the porcedure was compleated with ease, and his mind is responding well to the information were feeding it, thank god the mind wipe turned him into a vegatable.

Project Maverack log no. 3; His progress is astonishing he is already surpassed our itnail hopes for him, he has bult his own Mech to use in the vr training sim, he has also begun to talk clearly and ask questions about who he is so we have just called him Xan,we have given him a log book witch we have asked to use.

Xan's log no. 1; The people in white coats gave this log book to take down my thorts in, its almost time for the sim again after that is gonna be another meal of turkey backed soy product yum my favorate.

Xan's log no. 2; One of the people in white coats came up and introduced him self to me today, he said his name was Dr Leon and he said that i had achieved some thing called synchronization with the simulation and because of this some called the general is going to build the Mech i desained for me to use for real.

Xan's log no. 3; Dr Leon introduced me to the other people in white coates, theres Dr lee, Dr Young and Dr May, my god Dr May is beutifull i swear shes an angel, they have moved me into my own room witch has a set of waits, a tolet and a nice sized bed along with a mini vr sim pod.

Xan's log no. 4; Dr May came into room wile i was excercising and asked me who i was a verry strange question, i said my name was Xan like Dr Leon told me it was nearly a year ago, she said my Mech was nearly ready and asked me to name it, so i did Axon is its name.

Xan's log no. 5; Dr may came into my room again and gave me a keycard for the fisillity and told me not to loose it, then gave me a tour of the building, she pulled me into a empty room and said there were no cameras in here wot ever that ment then she kissed me and said her name was Verronica May and that my name was Xan Kavyer, i think im in love with Verronicka.

Xan's log no. 6; Veronnicka woke me today she says shes now my primery now witch i have no idea wot that means,but never the less i saw my Mech for the first time and was allowed to piolet it for awhile with weapons disabled, she was there with me in the coctpit, i couldent stop thinking about her.

Xan's log no. 7; I was awoken by Veronicka dressed in very little, she said she felt the same way i do about her, we kissed again, she also brought my uniform and asked for me to change infront of her so i did, she stopped me when i had my clothes off and kissed me again, i cannot disclosed wot happened next.

Xan's log no. 8; Dr leon came in and said that the AI for my Mech was going to baced around Dr May and said that the general would like to see me pilot against a few remotely operated Mechs tomorrow when the AI is done, im so excited, my first live fire exercise and its in Old Tokyo.

Xan's log no. 9; This is my final entry, the genrail was impressed with my demostation, Veronicka said i had accheaved complete sicronision with my Mech's AI and that she had never seen any thing like it,shes going to accompany me to the frount lines but stay in the mobile siance HUB so i will only be able to see her once i get back from missions...

Personality: friendly to friends, will try and kill any one who shoots at him, follows orders to the letter, will do anything that will get him back to Veronica quicker...



Name of Mech: Axon (costumized heavy version of a NCR Battle Mech ver 3.5 beta )

Mech's appearance: ((i am constructing in LDD))

Weapons of Mech:

head; two twin-linked energy cannons

right sholder;40 mm cannon (fires blanket rounds(rounds the expload and spread mini exlocive shrapnail forwed in mid air), standed rounds and split-on-contact rounds).

right hand;HeAvY minigun(High explosive Accerailated vollicty Yeald, max output 85 rounds persecond)

left hand; multy pot morter launcher(fires thirmight mortars)

left shoulder; ffmmrlaplr(fast fire mini rocket launcher ammonia peroxide laced rockets)

back;deploy able 120mm sniper cannon(deployes over coller next to head to the right)




equipment:zeno-class 7 quantim-fusion powercore,Radio trancever,Height: +50ft

Other: user opperated mech encoded to his persifick genict stands,simnatitick link port


Name :Xan Kavyer ; Call Sign: Rook

Age:unknowen, estimation, early twenties



Perks/Skills: sometimes finds that he connects mentillay to his mech this he calles synchronization

Weaknesses:complete disregard for him self and the environment


Class 9 classification Required // set hack.... loading.... gathering pool data realating to

Xan Kavyer Expermint no. 249...

Chang's log no. 1; We Finaly captured a russan spy, first we are gonna get wot he knows out of him with a mind wipe then feed him false information and send him home, the russens won't know wot hit e'm...

Chang's log no. 2; Bad news came in, the General wants us to hand him over to some level 9 geeks once we have done the mind wipe, the roomers must be true...

Project Maverack log no. 1; We have finaly received our first human speaciman and wot a fine one he is too, he should servive the sinaptick link prosess.

Project Maverack log no. 2; Sucess the porcedure was compleated with ease, and his mind is responding well to the information were feeding it, thank god the mind wipe turned him into a vegatable.

Project Maverack log no. 3; His progress is astonishing he is already surpassed our itnail hopes for him, he has bult his own Mech to use in the vr training sim, he has also begun to talk clearly and ask questions about who he is so we have just called him Xan,we have given him a log book witch we have asked to use.

Xan's log no. 1; The people in white coats gave this log book to take down my thorts in, its almost time for the sim again after that is gonna be another meal of turkey backed soy product yum my favorate.

Xan's log no. 2; One of the people in white coats came up and introduced him self to me today, he said his name was Dr Leon and he said that i had achieved some thing called synchronization with the simulation and because of this some called the general is going to build the Mech i desained for me to use for real.

Xan's log no. 3; Dr Leon introduced me to the other people in white coates, theres Dr lee, Dr Young and Dr May, my god Dr May is beutifull i swear shes an angel, they have moved me into my own room witch has a set of waits, a tolet and a nice sized bed along with a mini vr sim pod.

Xan's log no. 4; Dr May came into room wile i was excercising and asked me who i was a verry strange question, i said my name was Xan like Dr Leon told me it was nearly a year ago, she said my Mech was nearly ready and asked me to name it, so i did Axon is its name.

Xan's log no. 5; Dr may came into my room again and gave me a keycard for the fisillity and told me not to loose it, then gave me a tour of the building, she pulled me into a empty room and said there were no cameras in here wot ever that ment then she kissed me and said her name was Verronica May and that my name was Xan Kavyer, i think im in love with Verronicka.

Xan's log no. 6; Veronnicka woke me today she says shes now my primery now witch i have no idea wot that means,but never the less i saw my Mech for the first time and was allowed to piolet it for awhile with weapons disabled, she was there with me in the coctpit, i couldent stop thinking about her.

Xan's log no. 7; I was awoken by Veronicka dressed in very little, she said she felt the same way i do about her, we kissed again, she also brought my uniform and asked for me to change infront of her so i did, she stopped me when i had my clothes off and kissed me again, i cannot disclosed wot happened next.

Xan's log no. 8; Dr leon came in and said that the AI for my Mech was going to baced around Dr May and said that the general would like to see me pilot against a few remotely operated Mechs tomorrow when the AI is done, im so excited, my first live fire exercise and its in Old Tokyo.

Xan's log no. 9; This is my final entry, the genrail was impressed with my demostation, Veronicka said i had accheaved complete sicronision with my Mech's AI and that she had never seen any thing like it,shes going to accompany me to the frount lines but stay in the mobile siance HUB so i will only be able to see her once i get back from missions...

Personality: friendly to friends, will try and kill any one who shoots at him, follows orders to the letter, will do anything that will get him back to Veronica quicker...



Name of Mech: Axon (costumized heavy version of a NCR Battle Mech ver 3.5 beta )

Mech's appearance: see me LDD creations

Weapons of Mech:

head; two twin-linked energy cannons

right sholder;40 mm cannon (fires blanket rounds(rounds the expload and spread mini exlocive shrapnail forwed in mid air), standed rounds and split-on-contact rounds).

right hand;HeAvY minigun(High explosive Accerailated vollicty Yeald, max output 85 rounds persecond)

left hand; multy pot morter launcher(fires thirmight mortars)

left shoulder; ffmmrlaplr(fast fire mini rocket launcher ammonia peroxide laced rockets)

back;deploy able 120mm sniper cannon(deployes over coller next to head to the right)




equipment:zeno-class 7 quantim-fusion powercore,Radio trancever,Height: +50ft

Other: user opperated mech encoded to his persifick genict stands,simnatitick link port



(first char sheet i did)

Fallout: The Rejects



Name: "Dead Eye" Dave linskiy


Sex: Male




Race/ Ethnicity: Caucasian


Weapons: a comstimised .32(longer barrel,bigger clip & scope with a faster fire rate also a three round burst or a single shot fire modes)assault rifle, a .32 pistol*more or less a moded chinese pistol* and a lead pipe


Weaknesses: being half blind(left eye is ), hates all supers,having wot some would call a mentails addiction


Personal Belongings:a large satchel of .32 ammo,lead(with tin interior) canteen,backpack witch contains a nearly constaint supply of mentails, a single prewar banknote and a small mirror


Abilities:can squeeze into small gaps,sharp eye and a steady hand


Personality: friendly and perceptive


History: After growing up in Girdershade, he became a renowned explorer that scaved the old metro systems. On one of his journey's, he was ambushed by a super-mutant ambush party, where he caught a stray 5mm round from the brutes mini-gun.after that experience he went to tenpennys tower to recieve the best medical help he could afford. There, he lived among the uppity's, and learned marksman skills from the O high n Mighty Alstertenpenny.


Appearance: short but thin,brown hair,everchanging eye collour(oragenaly hazel), blind in his left eye no thanks to muties,wears yellow drab combat armor witch he found in one of the old metro stations near an old military bace

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