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Event Manager Mod?


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I have two mods intsalled that use Event Manager - http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=726


When I install both mods I get two copies of eventmanager.ncs and m2da_eventmanager.GDA in the override folder (in separate sub folders)


They are different sizes


It is Ok to play with the duplicated files or do I have to delete one set?


Thanks in advance.


PS. The mods are:

Combat Tweaks Event Manager patch in CT323 http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=354

Statistic Fix - Bosses Killed - http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=194

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When implemented properly, the eventmanager.ncs and m2da_eventmanager.gda files will be identical across all mods that use it, so duplicates of those two files are fine and to be expected.


That said, the eventmanager.ncs in Combat Tweaks doesn't match the d/l'd version of eventmanager.ncs from the project's site, nor does it seem to contain all of the necessary files for it to use event manager properly. Though without actually installing it, I'm just basing it off of browsing through the mod ERFs, etc.

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Thanks Nezroy


I had suspected that not all the EM files were included(after reading Anakin55's description)


I'll just delete the relevant duplicated files from the CT EM Patch subfolder and use the ones from the Stats fix


I'll need to re-package the overrides with DAO modmanager.


Thanks again.

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