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That girl you like :P


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LFC - you so totally burst my bubble there :(


But in all honesty, I hear you. Talking to one girl to ask her out is tough enough - you don't need to be trying it with a group behind her.


The other advantage of getting her alone for this is: if you asked her with her friends there she is less likely to make her own decision and more likely to look to them for approval/decision. This is just a loosing proposition for us guys all the way around since, when people get in a group, they adopt a herd mentality and if one of the girls doesn't like you - you're sunk since the girl you're after will turn you down because of it.


I made this mistake myself. She turned to look at her friends and I told her, "Hey! Why are you looking at them? I'm the one that's talking to you." . It was an epic falure on my part (she was insulted by my comment). :down:


So by all means - get her solo. :thumbsup:

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My girlfriend(s)...


The first one...I did not get to know her much but she's an avid gamer...especially considering the fact that she beat fallout 3 in one day. We broke up after two weeks considering the relationship was going to go long distance and as we all know...


The second one is the one I really know. I will refrain from mentioning names because of certain privacy issues but she's very shy and a bit...unstable. Not crazy but very paranoid of others. She clings to me about 90% of my life and NEVER lets go...I'm dead serious. The only time I'm away from her is when I sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, and band class. And after band class, she runs to me and literally tackles me with my heavy saxophone in my hand. It's annoying but really sweet. Oh and did I mention she has mind control powers? Just a little sniffle and some tears would make me her slave immediately. I nearly wrecked my bike trying to get her this "Hello Kitty" thing across town...more importantly, I nearly wrecked my face. Car collisions make me sad panda(didn't hit, just VERY close).

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I have never really had a girlfriend, nor been on a real date.


Though, I was in love... once.


She was my best friend, and thus we were doomed, but I knew I loved her. I felt almost literal electricity when we were near each other. I didn't think something like that existed to be truthful, until that moment. I remember the moment I realized I was in love. I was leaving the college's computer lab, I was being my somewhat goofy and forgetful self. She laughed and our eyes caught and I felt the whole rest of the world melt away in that moment. That was the most wonderful feeling in all the world, there was just the two of us and nothing else mattered at that moment.


But it was too awkward, it's very difficult to go from friends to significant others, and it just was not meant to be. She married someone about a year afterward, I am truly happy that she has someone who loves her and whom she loves, even if it was not me.


She was the forward one. She approached me, and that is one of the many reasons that I loved her, and I am intensely grateful for the time we had together.


To all woman out there, if you see someone you think you like go up and talk to them!


There's no reason at all why you can't be the forward one. If they think less of you for it they aren't worth your time to begin with. Sometimes a shy guy (or gal) needs a little help.


I certainly do.

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