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Momentary enchantment of weapons using magic.


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Hi, I'm pretty new in here.


So, I was playing Skyrim and I was wandering around. Slaying bears and wolves to my better eliviate my boredom. (Sword in right hand, Soul Trap in left hand..)


And I was wondering, would it be possible to let's say ;


You got an axe/mace/sword in one hand, and a magic spell that can consist of the following weapon enchantment options. But for the sake of the argument. Let's say we got fireball or any fire based Destruction spell in our stock.

You want to deal simultaneous damage but it sometimes acts up when you try to swing sword or another one-handed weapon while casting a destruction spell. So can it be possible to let's say. Bind/enchant the sword or any other one handed person you're using to have that specific type of attribute ?


Of course, I am talking about a timed enchantment which would only be affected by what level of skill were you using (if speaking about the damage output of the enchantment) and length of the enchantment (which is based off of the amount of max magicka and the level of the said class. (Destruction skills benefit from destruction level, whilst other spells benefit from their trees.)


I am no mod, so I am just throwing an idea. Hope it'll work!

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