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Need Help Editing A Mod


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well, I thought the companion mod I dl'ed (ariana tradeaux) was kind of ugly looking, so I thought I'd change her in the construction set to look like the nec mystic elf (http://www.tessource.net/files/cache/4622.html) created by nec01.


When I was loading all the data files I needed in the construction set, it made duplicates of all the REN's beauty pack hairs and eyes

ex. 055019DUPLICATE05 (something like that)

so when I made her look how I wanted, saved it, exited, loaded the mod and played the game, it froze during the loading screen when I went to the arena


When I went back to the construction set, i had some difficulties--such as it didn't recognize the race ---or something like that---


I changed her race to a default race (NORD) and made her look different and when I loaded the game, and mod ---it worked....


but making her a mystic elf (not a default race) isn't working! and that's what i want-----




well, if anybody has already done this or knows how, any help would be appreciated

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