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Howls Moving Castle


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In the anime, howl has a moving castle that roams the country side thanks to a flame demon Calcifer. Now, his door is magical (yes even more so then an walking house) It has a little switch above it, divided into 4's.




note the dial next to the door. Now depending on which selection the disk is rotated too, it opens up to a different town. My request isn't a walking house (although how cool would that be.) Rather it is this dial. That could even be a modders resource to be placed in an hour with 4 references remade that can be placed on 4 doors anywhere in Oblivion. Or just a Housing mod that some skilled scripted can do. Me personally I would like to see it on the IC, Anvil Bruma and Chey.


Let me know what ya think :)


If your interseted in the anime

Howl's Moving Castle

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I'll keep a eye on this to see if it goes anywhere, liked the movie and the concept of the castle.


Your best bet would probably be to make the house as a creature using the base Mudcrab Skeleton as a model to build off of and make the house itself (interior cells) accessible by teleport.


Doors are static objects so you could not have one applied to the creature that would actually work while moving with the outside of the Castle itself so teleportation is the only reasonable way of entrance.


As for the dial this could probably be done by a script that switches out doorway paths depending on the way in which you activate the switches on the dial itself.


This is all brainstorming of course so there may be unforeseen details to achieving this that may prevent it, but I'm thinking it's plausible.. :thumbsup:

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Im none too worried about the house moving as I am about the switch but would that work with the bottom half being a mudcrab? if so you could just texture to make it more metal..lly legs and such idk i cant mod, just an idea.



oh and calcifer can be a mini flame attronotch (sp) scaled to .10 haha

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You would have to change the mudcrabs body mesh to look like how you would want the castle to look and design the corresponding textures, keep the legs and you could probably just apply a gold metallic texture with a steampunkish feel to it to work as the legs.


As for the Dial even if it is impossible to script doors to switch out you could just use a mages guild Teleporter as the dail and script it to open a menu of various designated teleport locations. Although this would not be as admirssive as switching the actual doors.


Well FullMatal Alchemist Brotherhood is coming on so I'm out for now :thumbsup: :laugh:

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