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Official Thread of Companion Teinvaar


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Companion Teinvaar




This is my Offical Thread of my Companion Teinvaar witch I am voiceing myself.


The Current File location and Original FIle page is here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33941




Since I downloaded and played Ruin-Tail's tail and Companion Vilja, I have had a ever increasing urge to create my own Companion Mod.


I also wanted something Independant of CM Partners & Share and recruit.


This is the End result (so far) Teinvaar the Argonian.


Why did I choose a Male Argonian as a Companion mod? There is TOO many Cute Female elf Companion Mods out there and I dont really use them except the Ones Vilja speaks about and too such as the Dark Elf Neeshka.............And Im just BONKERS about Argonians... love those Lizard folk.


He has only the 3 Basic Commandsso far :


Hello, Follow and Wait. No enter inventory as of yet.




Planned Version:


Story: you hear of a Hut used by Legion Forresters that monitor the Boarder between Cyrodill and Black Marsh. Too curb your curiosity, you venture out from Leyawiin or where ever and set off to find this Shack because you either not seen it before or want to find for Goodies to loot.


Upon encountering the Hut, you see that two Legion Forresters are inside as well as a Run-of-The-Mill looking Argonian being questioned by one of the Legion men.


It is found out this Argonian is a Migrant from Black Marsh with all the right Documents and papers needed for travel via the Tamriel. His name is Teinvaar.


Since he just arrived from Black Marsh (need to look up Black Marsh Cities) he is new to the Area and has not a single clue what to do from here.


He has his Blade, an ok fighter and his Sharp Wit and Unique Personality to guide him through this strange new Land. He notices you enter the hut and introduces himself.


Its up to you weather or not you engage him in conversation and see what he wants....


Thats the start and idea what I thought up. Its a pretty simple, Straight forward introduction that doesnt require much Scripting. Sorry no complex, immerssing background like most of the popular Companion Mods like Vilj, tho maybe set a few Side Quests once this has lifted its feet of the ground.


Like I said. This is be fully Voiced by me once I have enough Time and no disractions such as my Flipping twit of a bro who has put me off doing work due to him moving back home. Try Doing Voice acting with a lout pering over your back and thumping Clubland/rave Music playing.


Anyhoo. Thats the planned v2 of the mod. Just have to correct my Argonian Accent.


I have WAV Audio files which I need people to listen too and give thier opinion on them. I myself think I sound pretty Good.




I wanted to try and give something back to the Nexus since it has already given me much already. Not just Oblivion but Fallout 3 too. I LOVE YOU GARY!!!! Hoo Hoo Gary!!


Anyhoo, I wish for this to be as Complex as Vilja as Emma has done a Superb job on it so far and has inspired me to do this. Im normally a Shy recluse of a person by nature these days but this is me Channeling all my current creativity and Outgoingness witch I normally am into this.


Hope people like and approve.




Have a Nice Day :turned:





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I need serious help with making the Lip Files. I have managed to make lip files funny enough but now the Sound files aint playing and all should be well!


Ill work on this later cos I am tired from all the maoning and fumbleing about the net for a solution :/


And people arn't taking a interest, where it be just general comment or helping me anyway. Perhaps I need to rethink my Stratergy.


Im just saying I do wish people would help out alot more, in turn I could help You.


I know bits and bobs.



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