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Skyrim Multiplayer Possibly Achievable?!


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I have searched many fourms and videos to find a Skyrim MMO mod to no avail. I knew this wouldn't be the easyiest mod to make but there might be a very simple soulution. Now in the game "Dark Souls" it has a pretty fantastic online function and it's achievable in that one! you can't pause and two! The other players can't interact with NPC's or pick up items . And I realize that no pause wouldn't work for Skyrim..but what if it could? By using a mechanic that's already in the game it just might be possible. "The become etheral shout and the ethereal shield" might hold the answer. If every time we open a chest,wardrobe or whatever,pressed start or our items/magic menu we became ethereal instead of the game stopping. There might be a chance for this to work. (In dark souls when you're backstabbing someone or rolling you have what's called invincibility frames when nothing can attack you while performing that action) we might be able to use that if you don't want the ethereal hue around the character. And just because the other players can't interact with NPC's doesn't mean they can be excluded from picking up items,They should be able to do whatever a follower is able to do as well as make potions/enchant ,level up etc. as far as the Save button or dying goes..it should be Host Player rules ,where the main player dies then they go back to the Last save and everything the other players done gets erased up till the last save. If a non-host player dies he should either redspawn in his world and come back or his body should be left where it died and respawn at the last hold they were at (default White if haven't been to a hold) and they have to go back to there body to get there things. Host controls difficulty ,brightness etc. as for fast travel and area change cutscenes,as long as the worlds load at different rates for different players it should be fine. Right? Any thoughts? Is this doable? If it is Other mods might be excluded from being able to run with this so adding a hd texture pack and a few fun random mods could help improve gameplay and usage. At least as a few updates. My computer is crap and i'm not familiar with code or I'd start this myself :/
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Short answer - not going to happen


Long answer - The game engine - the very basic lowest level of code involved is not multi player capable - The stuff needed for multi player just does not exist in the game engine used to make Skyrim. You will need a completely different game engine - and that means completely remaking the entire game. This will take 4 to 6 years, dozens of professional programmers and millions of dollars to accomplish.


Skyrim is NOT Dark Souls and the game engine is totally different. The features you want just do not exist in Skyrim - and there is no way to put them in using the Gambryo engine. The Skyrim Gambryo engine runs exclusively on YOUR computer. It is not capable of being run as a server. - a MMO runs on a server somewhere else where you are controlling a PC on the server and not on your own computer at all.


The other thing most people miss completely is that on an MMO there are no real mods - they would be considered cheating unless everyone used the exact same mods. Then they are no longer mods, but a part of the standard game. The best you can get is a different texture of the same object.


If you really want multiplayer, check out TESOnline to see how it works. It's not Skyrim, but does take place in the same world.

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Yeah I thought that might be the answer.. I was hoping it'd just be a challenging rework that a group of modders could do. I thought that if the second (or third) player were treated with follower mechanics and using "Ethereal" during the game stops it might be possible :/ was just a hope. I know it's not Dark souls but Darksouls gave me the idea.
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So so so sorry about the tripple post (on mobile,new to the site and not sure if I could edit posts,not trying to bump but it's relevant to the topic figured it was fine cause it's not to long from each reply)


The first video I've seen before and it's not to promising regardless of what the top comment says. The second is still quite buggy. If it was made the second or third player would probablly need to be un-killable npcs. But instead drop down longer then the other unkillables. To avoide the main player going to the last save.

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