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Dueling Scar/ Fighters Scars


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My character has been working very, very hard to be bad@sser than Chuck Norris, but one key ingredient to bad@ssery remains: A dueling scar.


Now, there are one or two mods that add such a thing, but none released for modders resources, and none using hte texture I'd like. So if someone could use this texture: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B2ZO8HCV and add a long scar running vertically through one eye socket, I'd be grateful.


Feel free to add in some miscellaneous scars and nicks if you like, make it look realistic.


The file also contains textures for a female body, which I'd really like to have a few scars and moles added to as well. Nothing absurd, but enough to make it obvious my character's a fighter.

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Yeah, that's Chuck Norris' email. But don't email him unless you need to. Or he will find you.


And he will find all the people passing this idea by, and he will.... well, Walker never got that nasty.


Got it? Comment, or Chuck will get you!

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Oh, I am. They work very, very well. Would you mind if I included them in my mod, with credit of course?


Also, would you be interested in another such request, this one involving woad tattoos for Nords?

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