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Power sword mod


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I'm looking for a powerful long sword, either one or two hands, that is nice looking. I don't want something too big and\or bulky or glitzy but I want it to look either ancient and a little decorative or I want it to look modern with a some nice detailing but either one has got to be powerful. Also, I'd prefer it without any magic. I find it to be a pain having to re-enchant the magic swords while going through an adventure or quest. My character really doesn't use much magic anyway.

There are a lot of sword mods but they don't seem to list the specs of the sword. My character is at 100 with her long sword and she's at 100 at strength so I want the sword to be worthy of her skills.

Do you know any of the swords that would fit this description? I don't feel like downloading a bunch of sword mods just to find out that they have weak specs and then have to uninstall them.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Pineapplerum :D

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The black luster set has an amazing looking 2h sword that looks ancient but a bit evil and has 3 longswords in either red black or white that look pretty sweet imo. They have no enchantments and the stats are strong, you could if you wanted use TES construction set to simply modify the weapon damages and enchantments if you wanted..it really is a simple process. You can buy all the items at a fighting chance.


if i recall correc the 2h sswords do 31 damage and the 1h does 24



The claymore




The longswords




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Those swords are nice, roiyaru, I'm going to check them out.


I appreciate your offer to help alonsomartinez. I don't have anything in particular in mind though.


I'm thinking, I could download a sword I really like and if it's specs aren't to my liking than I could just go

into the Tes Construction set and change them. Hmmm, never thought of that before. I'll try it. :D

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Looks good, Yedle. I like the swords' simplicity. I'll try a couple of them out in my game.


I'm not too crazy about the armor though-if I had a male character I'd like it though. It looks like they're made for male characters. Not crazy about sexy or skimpy mods for females but I like something a little feminine.

Thanks for the link. :D

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