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Deleveled/Randomized Loot or Big Chests


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Hey guys, I'm thinking of throwing a bunch of mods together to make a "Skyrim Roguelike" kinda experience. One of the things I want to do with this is get a bunch of crazy loot with the potential to find crazy/OP loot. Immersive armor and weapons take care of the first part of this but I'm also looking for a mod that delevels/randomizes the loot tables, specifically for those large end of dungeon chests. There seem to be quite a few mods similar to this, such as skyrim unleashed, but they also all delevel the NPCs which I think would be a little ridiculous with permadeath on.


TL:DR I need a mod that delevels loot, specifically the end of dungeon chests, but not NPCs.

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