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Guild Faction/idea


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Instead of creating entire new towns, maybe a place (or places) in between a monastery and a magic-research center? This would also have the nifty side-effect of allowing interesting methods of destruction, since such places would likely be used for research too dangerous to carry out in towns.


*Do you really want to disconnect the Daedron Containment System's magicka conduit?*


*Quest Update: I have cut off the power to the Containment System. I need to get to safety within 15 [game] minutes.*





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These are all wonderful ideas, im gonna copy them down to my jump drive and ponder over them the next week to fix what i have and what i can do.


In the long run i may just put a new black horse currior how traven was overthrown for his incompetince(sp) and a new Mages guild is taking over there main target is the necromancers :D

what you think?




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I have made the 2 new guilds. you will fight the arcane magi when you join the necromancers. i have made the hq of the leader of the Arcane Magi.


I know of one other mod that will conflict with mine, Apothies- dark path of trandsention (SP sorry if i got it wrong) for that building in anvil will he the hq.


My question that will set me on my way is


i need the script to start when your character is lvl 5 or higher, this will start add the note inside, and give you the option join it, any help



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  • 2 weeks later...



I have a total of 15 new npcs in the Necromancers Guild, calling it the Necromancers Cult. and about 9 In the new Arcane Magi( new mages guild rival) with the starting quest.


I dont know if anyone ever uses "The Feed bag" in the imperial city market distrct. but if you do, im sorry i destroyed it. its now "The Necromancers Hold" for i figured that Traven only outlawed it in the Mages guild its not a crime to study necromancy. All you have to do is talk to Selin Meka ( may change name) and the quest is started. I added some necromancer items buyable from her


Necromancers Robe (extra robes mod)

Necromancers Cloack (extra robes mod)

Dark wizard robes (extra robes mod)

Daedric Robes (same as the before)

Lich Helmet (lootable lich helms mod)

Scythe (oblivon expanded mod)


Thoes are whats incorporated into my mod that i didnt use. Basicly anythign new (itmes clothing meshes texters blah blah) i dont claim at all. i just moved stuff around, added new quest and npcs. :)


I got to thinking that, if all you do is kill people taht will get boring, not even in the dark brotherhood all you did was kill people, they died bot not always in conventonal stabbing ways.

What im asking is.........

Quest Ideas? anyone? ill take anything (get new spells items lore blah blah blah)




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