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Question On Target Dummies...


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Does hitting them give you points towards skill level ups? I've always wondered this. If not, is there a way to remove the timer for the disappearance of an NPC's corpse? I'll just place a copy of them in the IC waterfront house and beat on them until they die, then beat on the corpse, since I read somewhere that hitting a corpse raises your skill. If this is false, then could someone tell me if there is a way to keep an NPC from attacking you even if you attack them? I'll just do the second plan without the corpse, and make their health incredibly high, which is about the limit of my abilities in using the CS. This would be cheap, but I beat the game once, and don't feel like cheating.
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Does hitting them give you points towards skill level ups? I've always wondered this. If not, is there a way to remove the timer for the disappearance of an NPC's corpse? I'll just place a copy of them in the IC waterfront house and beat on them until they die, then beat on the corpse, since I read somewhere that hitting a corpse raises your skill. If this is false, then could someone tell me if there is a way to keep an NPC from attacking you even if you attack them? I'll just do the second plan without the corpse, and make their health incredibly high, which is about the limit of my abilities in using the CS. This would be cheap, but I beat the game once, and don't feel like cheating.




yes hitting raises ur skill, but only when they are are alive, so instead of winding up and clobbering the guy, take little strikes

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Does hitting them give you points towards skill level ups? I've always wondered this. If not, is there a way to remove the timer for the disappearance of an NPC's corpse? I'll just place a copy of them in the IC waterfront house and beat on them until they die, then beat on the corpse, since I read somewhere that hitting a corpse raises your skill. If this is false, then could someone tell me if there is a way to keep an NPC from attacking you even if you attack them? I'll just do the second plan without the corpse, and make their health incredibly high, which is about the limit of my abilities in using the CS. This would be cheap, but I beat the game once, and don't feel like cheating.



Who told you that load of crap? No, you cannot level up by hitting dummies or dead bodies...


Tip to level up: Attack someone but block their way out so they can't call the guards. Cast a charm spell and surrender. Heal them and attack again. This increases restoration, illusion, and whatever you used to attack them. Err not much of a tip but ah well... Alchemy, athletics, acrobatics are the best skills for levelling up.

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Well, time for plan C, I go into the CS, make an NPC have either a crapload of health, a crapload of armor, or both, change their confidence and aggressiveness or whatever its called to 0 each, spawn a copy in my IC waterfront home, and beat the crap out of them. Thats just about all I can do in the CS, aside putting full daedric in random chests, yeah, I suck with it...
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Just go run down to your local mages guild, pick up a spell of summon scamp. Can beat on those without increasing your infamy. There is also the staff of everscamp, which can be useful at low levels.


If you're into modding, might want to check out my Shepherd's Ring mod. It'll give you a constant supply of stuff to beat up on like the everscamp staff. But they do other things too. I'll probably get around to adding notations and comments to the scripts sometime this week so you can edit it and know what you're doing.

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