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Modifying PSI damage


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The first PSI ability you get, by the time you get it, is pretty damned useless as far as damage goes. I'm not expecting a one-shot kill or anything, but 3 damage, even on a sectoid, just isn't worth the turn to use it. I want to change the damage on this ability, but I have no idea where the info is located. Doesn't seem to be in DGC.

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PSI is an "ability", so I believe what you need to look into is the wiki article "XGAbilityTree.BuildAbilities". You will have to figure out the exact hex changes for yourself, as no one previously has reported on such changes. (Do post back here and I'll update the article for you if you wish.) Be aware that any changes you make will also apply on the alien side of things as well. Both use this same functionality.



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