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Better Deathclaw Gauntlets


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ok, so everyone who's ever played fallout 3 probably knows deathclaws are the fastest and most dangerous enemy in the game (at least in my opinion, since nearly everything else is just dust in the wind). therefore i found it to be irredeemably stupid that the gauntlet made from the hand of one of these foul beasties is weaker than a random power fist that you can get within 30 minutes of starting the game (i believe its called fisto, or something like that) id just like to request a mod that fixes that in some way or another, if thats not too much to ask, since no one has before for some reason.

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Nuh uh, go on google and simply look up "fallout 3 geck" and it should be like right there, download and install it, it basically works the same (not exactly, but pretty close) to the dev kit for skyrim. Go to deathclaw gauntlet and change the values. Same as skyrim for that.

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