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Pelagia's constant CTD


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That's sounds so odd to me though...


Helgen Reborn, XP32 Skeleton, Sexlab.... These all seem completely unrelated...


I'm sorry I wasn't able to help.


Good luck there

Well i mentioned about that helgen reborn error but i haven't used it yet until now, i will install it though, it seems interesting, i will begin it in a month in-game though, it will be more immersive..

I'm pretty sure it was XPMS or either way it might have been some cbbe slider preset for armors made by myself to match the naked bodies, since those huge HDT breasts are not so realistic and didn't fit nor with my smaller and realistic bodies nor with the fact that women with those bodies couldn't use bow or melee fighting very well lol i will now install CBBE bodies and HDT stuff so i will either get rid of the problem or find the exact culprit..


PS with my loadout skytest seems pretty unstable, i will give up on it i guess

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