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Requesting a Googly eyes on all NPC mod


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Ok, I really need this. Why? dont ask why. Ask why has it not been done yet. Imagine skyrim, the opening scene where you're on the cart being transported to your beheading. Everyones chatting about in their most serious tone, eyes bouncing about with every bump in the road. Cut forward a bit, and as you're about to get decapitated by the executioner looking at you with his giant, wibbly wobbly eyes that sway to and fro as he lifts his axe, alduin swoops in and does his dragon roar, shaking his giant, and everyone else's eyes frantically.


tl:dr, googly eyes on all npcs and maybe ones that are in combat or hostile get googly eyes with big angry eyebrows? and give they eyes some free moving physics so they bounce all the time with every movement.

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