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Discover new location cinematic idea


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Remember in Zelda: Ocarina of Time when you entered an area for the first time, there would be a short cinematic where the camera would pan around the area? Or in assassin's creed when you see the whole city from a eagle's nest? I think that it would be cool to have that in Skyrim for when you discover a new location, primarily cities, villages, and important or beautiful places like High Hrothgar, Moss Mother Cavern, Sovngarde, Blackreach, the Shrine to Azura, or the College in Winterhold. And also possibly when you arrive at your newly purchased home or land.


I think it would be really cool if when you first arrive a new city or certain area that the camera would pan around the city, just like in the skyrim trailers. It would give discovering a new location a cool new feeling. I just think it would be awesome to walk up to, say Solitude, and have a cinematic where the camera goes above the city and then below the arch, showing the whole city. Kind of like in Oblivion, when you first start, it shows the capital and you can't see too much, so it doesn't spoil the adventure.


A mod like this would really emphasize the beauty of all the locations in skyrim, and i think that it would greatly enhance game play. I also think that it would be a good idea to be able to manage the mod in SkyUI in order to choose which locations you want a cinematic at. Thank you all in advance!

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