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A Bit Of Help


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Hey, i've downloaded a mod once, and it as nice i dont remember the name of it now tho, and i redid all my mods on my game, i hate having to restart so im just loading a few of the best mods i've found and cant seem to find this one. he eludes me so!!! well i was wondering if someone can help me find it ill give a description



heres what happend, not alot but this i know is uniqe to the mod.


I had just gotten out of the Imperal Sewers and was making my way over to vilverian right. ok kewl, killed a few bandits and had a few laughts alright! well i was walking along the coast line and what did i see? a freeking huge mudcrab. at 4 am, after 22 hours of sleeplessness and work i kinda got scared ~they reminde me of spiders and im a acranaphob~ well neways, this crab was called "King Crab" no big deal huh? well ok dispatched him when a movemnet out the side of my eye cuased me to jump 10 feet in the air. a itty bitty tiny baby mudcrab was fleeing in terror of my mighty COLD TOUCH BASIC STARING SPELL MUAHAHAHHA! so i squished this little think and thought to myself, nifty mod huh? lets delete them all and start over!!!!


i know bad idea to delete them all, ok shoot me, but will someone please PLEASE help me T.T. i want that mod seems nice.

thanks in advance


Shane errr. Spawn

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