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Far Cry

Game crash after using DSHK HEAVY MACHINE GUN?


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Not sure but I was playing co-op with my friends and my game would run smooth until someone uses the mounted machine gun on the map.

I just found this 'coincidence' and thought would like to ask.


I've googled and read this: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/739489-PC-Win7-8-vista-Solutions-gt-Far-Cry3-Has-Stopped-Responding

But by changing compatibility mode of farcry3.exe would still crash (still it happened after one of my friends went up to the heavy machine gun), and I couldn't put farcry3_d3d11.exe to compatibility mode as if I did, the 'failed to execute command error 740' thingy will come up and stopping the game from starting.


Any help?

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