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Ive tried a few things.


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I have been having trouble when intalling obmm and the official patch, Ive tried it a number of different ways but I ant seem to find anyway to ake them work together.


First. let me thank you for even opening this and reading, your time and interest in this is appriciated.

second, I appologise for any and all spelling and gramatical errors, Im running a fever and its late here.


Ive got the old versionof Oblivion, no extentions nadda. just plain vanila. I used to play TES4 a few years ago and started out all this wonderful modding back then, but my vid card blew up, melted down,, did something. long story short, new comp. windows 7 86bit.


I load up oblivion in the file path C:\games\oblivion. Not the standard tom buggery file with the security issues. (sorry its late here and Ive got a head cold, cant remember the exact file path im thinking of)


So first I load tes4... then the lastest version of obse and obmm open obmm to see if its running and then the latest patch, (which for me is 1.2.0416UK)


everything seems fine so I load OOO then hit launch. Note that I had opened obmm BEFORE the patch was installed.

everythingsrunning smooth from the start (the vile dunmar taunting me) till that sweet sweet first glimpse of the cyrodil sun. thinking alls well i exit the game intent on loading hgec and other pretty things.

I click on obmm only to get a messege that an unhandled error (or some such) has occured etc etc.


so naturally i assume somethings wrong with the way I installed OOO so I uninstall TES4 and reinstall italong with the patc obse, obmm and OOO several different ways before I realise that the only time OBMM fails me is after I load the patch.


SSOOO after much self flagulation I come to the forums and try and scour everything I could find on the topics of obmm and the patch. Only I cant find very much. SO the long and short of it. HELP ME PLEEEASEEE (this is me wailing) Possible naming of first born after you for solutions :P


once again thanks for even reading though.

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