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Black Eye Problem


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I have installed some new mods recently and some combination of them is causing the eyes of NPCs and PC to become either black or just plain screwed up (here is an example of the latter: http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b173/King_Keevan55555/Oblivion3.jpg ). I have tried searching the internet for solutions and have come up with the following:

* Its a video card problem.

* Its down to missing textures or meshes.

* Its because of conflicting mods.

Its the last one that sounds most likely to me as I do have at least two mods that deal with eyes but I am having difficultly trying to unravel which mod is the cause.

First off, how easy is it to delete a mod that adds eye textures? I take it the original eyes are safely within a .bsa file somewhere and I can just delete the ones within the Character folder?

Secondly, how come moving texture mods around in the load order didn't seem to have any effect? Is this because of the bashed patch?


Sorry all the above is so jumbled, this is exactly how I feel right now = very confused lol reeeeally hoping I don't just have to try a clean install of Oblivion but any suggestions at all would be extremely welcome. My load order is available if needed.

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