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Vampire hunter armor


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Hi Everyone


I've downloaded and have been using Vampire hunter armor for HGEC and EyeCandy and while playing I noticed that it is weaker than glass armor so I thought I would change it using the construction set. I loaded the .esp and the oblivion master file (setting the vampire hunter esp as the active file) and changed the stats of the items to those of glass and saved. But when I load my game the stats of the armor are the same, I have done this before for other armors to make them weaker but were overpowered and looked cool.


Any help would be appreciated




EDIT: BTW this might be the wrong place for this problem, but I think it's okay here


EDIT: IGNORE this I was being an idiot, the armor values were not what I set them because my Light Armor skill was really low, my bad.

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