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BOS Outcast only use Laser weapns.


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The BOS outcasts are supposed to be more technologically advanced in comparison to the Brotherhood right? So why not make it so they only use Laser weapons. e.g. Laser Rifle, Laser Pistol and Gatling Laser. It would be greatly appreciated if someone would take the time to create such a mod.
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I'm assuming you want Op Anchorage done as well, and no melee weapons?


As a side note, a simple requests like this would be perfect for you to try and learn how to do it yourself. Would save time and effort if you don't have to wait for others to create it for you.


(I was going to but realized I've gotta leave for uni in a few min, will write it up later if no-one has had a go at it)

The NPCs which need to be changed are: (The specials don't really need to be changed, they're the heavy weapons guys)











Just deleting the leveled item corresponding to their weapon (eg, OutcastWeaponSmallGuns) and replacing it with an enclave variant (EnclaveWeaponRifle) should achieve what you're after.


This doesn't include the ones added by Op Anch, but the same idea goes for them.


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