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How to handle...?


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Hey guys.
I have been play XCOM for more than 500 hours. I don't feel like I am getting any better. I completed classic (vanilla) for the first time this aprill, and since then I die in May/June month(s). If I go to normal I rekt the face out of the game and barely have any deaths. Obviously too easy for me. On Classic I get rekt hard.

So now I have been playing XCOM long war for about a 100 hours, and I can now make it to the same spot, May/June. However i suffer an hard task taking down Thin Men and Seekers. As of writing this post, 4/6 of my guys where strangled by seekers. One supressed and the last lonely guy flanked by two Floaters and didn't hit a thing.

It is really kind of depressing when you loose 4-5 people in just one turn.

Anyone else had the same issue?

I have had maps where I have faced off against 12 seekers at once, and had to run the moment I saw them.
I have the same problem with Thin Men, poison and if i try shoot I get panic. Thin Men run up to me and flank me.

Can someone help me out? I can bring video-footage if needed. I think it might be a strategic issue on my end.

Thank you all in advance.

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Suggest you take a look at the "Long War Strategy" thread in the "File Discussions" section. (This is a fairly common sort of question and I expect you will find some specific suggestions there.)


That section is where the LW team supports the mod, and the primary discussions among players and the team happen.



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