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Scare Trap


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I was wondering if anybody could make a few new traps (possibly through the use of activators? i dont really know.)

I mainly want something where when you step on something (like a pressure plate) a really f*cked event would happen (like F.E.A.R.)

this is my first request.

Invisible trigger, that when it is set off, a gorey sould plays and a dead wastelander (along with some gore) fell down from the ceiling


invisible trigger that spawns a yao guai behind the player }:}


when a player walks into this trigger, it teleports them into a room full of gore, dead bodies, blood splattered everywhere, all that sh*t, and then after like a second, teleports them back to where they were.

if any1 can make something similiar to any of these that would be great. i would have course give credit.

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Yeah, we need some encounter style traps in those caves:


A good one would be to make use of some of the many ant tunnels in the cave tunnels, have an encounter zone setup such that when the PC enters a room, ants start pouring from some of the tunnels (eg, 1 per sec) indefinitely until the PC manages to either seal off the tunnels (grenade at the entrance?) or kill a "boss" ant which frenzies the rest and stops spawning? Not exactly scare, but they all sorta fall into the same category.


The scripting on the ones you mentioned shouldn't be too difficult. I'm not quite sure how dismemberment works in terms of gore generation (via scripts), but the other 2 are straight forward. The main question is for an activator based trap, how often do you want it to trigger? 1-shot like a mine or so it spawns a yao every minute the player is standing in the zone? Pretty much anything is possible.

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Yeah, we need some encounter style traps in those caves:


A good one would be to make use of some of the many ant tunnels in the cave tunnels, have an encounter zone setup such that when the PC enters a room, ants start pouring from some of the tunnels (eg, 1 per sec) indefinitely until the PC manages to either seal off the tunnels (grenade at the entrance?) or kill a "boss" ant which frenzies the rest and stops spawning? Not exactly scare, but they all sorta fall into the same category.


The scripting on the ones you mentioned shouldn't be too difficult. I'm not quite sure how dismemberment works in terms of gore generation (via scripts), but the other 2 are straight forward. The main question is for an activator based trap, how often do you want it to trigger? 1-shot like a mine or so it spawns a yao every minute the player is standing in the zone? Pretty much anything is possible.

just one and done basically. also for the gore i meant that with the dead body it also spawned static body parts (or, if that fails, maybe the mutilated items.)

the reason i cant make traps mainly is because i dont understand encounter zones. i normally am good with scripting in other games, but i have yet to try in this game.

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Yah I like this idea scare traps, what about having some surprise boxes or suitcases that have deathclaw heads come out and start chomping and growling at you when you open them up all nice and loud lol or those creepy doll heads with teeth spitting acid
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