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Script Help


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Hello all, I am in need of some scripting help. I am working on a custom created character generation script. I know that implimenting it with both a quest and a script helps, and thus I am doing that. The main problem I have though is that is I use "ShowClassMenu" and then later use "ShowBirthsignMenu" they will both pop up at once. Is there anyway to make it so that the menus will wait until first the race selection is done, then the class, then the birthsign? Thank you all for your time.
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When you have the first one called, have it set a stage in a quest script after showclassmenu. Right after that, have it check to see that that stage has been completed, and (within the same "if" conditions) have a menumode == 0. Within that statment have it do showbirthsignmenu.


kinda like


short stage


begin gamemode

set stage to getstage ;your quest ref here

if stage == 20 && menumode == 0


set stage 30

elseif stage == 30 && menumode== 0


setstage 40



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Yeah, it's always the easy stuff that leaves you banging your head against the monitor for a few hours. Try doing complex packaging functions, trying to figure out why a package isn't being used, look at the package, look at the script, fiddle around with the numbers a few times, make sure the package is on the NPC, make sure the script is on NPC. Start up and shut down the game 8-9 times, only to find out that it was because one setting wasn't made to the NPC.
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