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Request: Steel pipe

dragon awakened

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This would be an elongated lead pipe about the length of the baseball bat you start out with in Vault 101. The weapon would weigh about 4 pounds, have a considerably higher health/durability than the standard lead pipe, use the same AP as the baseball bat, and do a minimum of 10 damage and a maximum of 14 damage before weapon skill is factored in. I don't see this as a game breaker just an alternate starting weapon.


Theory behind weapon: Your father thought there may be reprecussions against you for his escape but he did not think The Overseer would go into kill mode toward your character. He managed to fashion and hide the steel pipe during his downtime while prepairing to leave the vault. The pipe is hidden under the bed where you are awakened by Amata telling you about the events that have transpired. James left a note in the drawer where the character keeps their belongings (grognak book, clothing, cap). Reading the note activates the pipe under the bed where the player can claim it.


If you are using Amata as one of your companions you could always pass the baseball bat you started with to her and use the steel pipe (beats the rather weak police baton any day.) I do not know how feasable this idea is but it is merely a humble request.


Thank you for your time.


Dragon Awakened

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steel pipe well in photoshop i could try to shine the original lead pipe textures and make a new one and copy the lead pipe mesh and make it a bit bigger and in geck i could just edit the wight and damage if this is what you want sure i will give it a go its much easier to edit the original then make one from scratch.
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The first of the two pics looks best.




np ill give a link in a minute note that i only can make the pipe and place it near the bed cause i have no experience in scripting for the note to give access so i will leave the base ball bat as it is and if i can ill try to make the pipe longer if its possible in nifskope and give the damage and other things you requested.

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