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Weather takes effect on magic


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While I was playing with the Frostfall-mod, I was asking if it´s possible to adapt the three elements for magic (ice, fire, thunder) to certain parts of Skyrim.


Like ice magic gets stronger when you´re in the area around Helgen, Winterhold, Dawnstar or Windhelm, but also lose strength when it´s used in a "warm" area like Whiterun for example. It would also get stronger when using it in a cave.


For fire, it would get stronger when you´re using it between 7am and 7pm and also when you use it while being in Markath, Solitude, Falkreath, Riften and Whiterun or any other warm are without snow. The same weakening effect would happen between 8pm and 6am and also if you´re using it while being in a cave or any other dark rooms.


And for thunder, it would get more powerful while it rains or while Storm Call is active.


Is something like this possible? If yes, it would be pretty interesting because it would make fighting with magic a bit more tactial and dependent form your surroundings.

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