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Any way to change an existing character's hair/face?


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Sorry if this has been asked before, I did a few searches and didn't really find an answer.


Yesterday I got the courage to start using mods (I'm still deathly afraid I'm going to mess something up hardcore lol), so I really am terribly new at this. There are a few things about one of my characters that I'd love to change, and I wouldn't mind giving her some prettier hair and all that good stuff. Does anyone know of a way to do this? And as a side note, mind giving me some recommendations for good facial/hair/make-up/tattoo mods?


I am playing the Mac version so .dazip files would be greatly appreciated and greatly preferred.



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Ugh, being on a mac MAY limit your options here. As I dont know if some of the tools that you would need, would work on a mac :confused: :sad:

the tools that you would need would be newbypower's face replacer- http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=428

the dragon age toolset (google it as bioware.com dragon age toolset or fileplanet.com dragon age toolset )

and optionally, the dragon age character creator http://blog.bioware.com/2009/10/13/character-creator-and-the-bioware-social-network/



Now, the simplest method, is to download a morph or preset that somebody has already created, drop that into your documents/bioware/dragon age/packages/core/override folder, then do a savegame edit in the toolset to change the character to use that face morph. OR if its a preset, to create a new character and then steal the morph name from that and edit it into the character that you're playing.



IF the author has supplied the .mrh files those you can edit in the toolset, if you want to add/change different hairs, eyes, etc. .mop files are VERY limited in what you can change, and .mor files are capable of being changed, but require you to know the numeric values for what you're wanting to do :pinch:


To get mods that are hair mods, tattoo mods, eye mods, and all of those to work together, you'll need to compile their chargenmorphcfg.xml file into a singular file. This will work well for it, if it's mac compatible. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=971

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I got alot of help from the guys over at BioWare social site on this thread. My link


They are a great help. I changed my dwarfs face more to my liking of skin colour and make up. From this http://a.imageshack.us/img641/7971/dnmarth4.th.jpg


to this http://a.imageshack.us/img820/4750/screenshot2010070622214.th.jpg


and finally to the end producthttp://a.imageshack.us/img686/8683/screenshot2010071601431.th.jpg


Easiest way I found was do a morph file in the toolset and then edit your save game with it.


Here is how I was told to do it.


Open your .mrh with the toolset


Export it as a .mor


Place the .mor file into My Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age/modules/Single Player/override


Go back to your toolset and open your character's .das file (you can find that in My Documents/BioWare/Dragon Age/Characters/(Your Character's Name)/Saves/(Slot #)/(Character's Name).das )


Once you have the .das file open, expand SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR > SAVEGAME PLAYERCHAR_CHAR > SAVEGAME_APPEARANCE > SAVEGAME_APPEARANCE_MORPH_NAME and click over on the Value column


Type in your .mor file's name (ex: ef_Neria)


Save the file


Load your saved game in Dragon Age



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Very cool, I'm glad that you were able to make the changes that you wanted! :thumbsup:

Also am glad to hear and now know that the toolset works on a mac :) Was there a special version that you needed to download for mac? Or did you have to run it thru a windows emulator?

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Oh, I haven't tried anything yet. I doubt the toolset works on Mac, as it seems to need a few Microsoft-only programs to even run. I could possibly find Mac versions of those programs, but I think the easier option would be to just run a windows emulator (which thankfully is now laughably easy on OS X thanks to Bootcamp). However, that face replacer uses Python which is standard with newer Macs, so I think I'll try that later tonight. (once I'm done with Witch Hunt)


Thanks for the help so far, guys!

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