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Pipboy Readius Issue


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This issue has been mostly solved, though I'd prefer for this thread to remain open for any other work-arounds to the issue. But as far as a temporary fix until then; There is "Use Your Gloves" by Echonite which, as far as I can tell, solves the issue.


For those of you who wish to see the original post. It's a line down.


I've been installing mods to Fallout 3 and found a pip-boy replacer (Pip-boy Readius) that I thought was very well done.


At first, it worked very well, I even got some armor that fit a weapon mod I'd been using, This worked seamlessly with the Readius. After a short while though (Maybe two-three hours) the pip-boy's original glove kept appearing on the hand, removing whatever was on the left hand at the time for it. I've tried most everything I could think of (Including a complete uninstall/reinstall) and nothing has changed. If anyone else has experienced, or found a solution to, this problem, please let me know.

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Screwed around in my load order to no avail. I assume that at least from what little I know of programming, the code that replaces the hand model is messed up. Where that code is, I cannot say, as I do not know. Or whether it's a problem with another mod. From what I've seen of Readius, the glove only disappears under heavy armor (power armor)
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I don't know for sure if this will work for everyone or even if it works for all armors.


But, I decided on a whim to search "gloves" on the mods and the first hit was a "Use Your Gloves" by Echonite.


I decided to try it out and it seems to be my workaround. I've yet to test it extensively, but it seems to solve the issue, at least for the armor I have as well as no armor whatsoever. (The glove is no longer present)


I don't believe this to be the best solution as it requires another mod just to have the left glove. (Though the mod's purpose is entirely for the left glove)


If anyone else whom happens to have programming experience wants to take a look, I'd honestly like someone to solve the problem without a third party mod. Until then, I'll do my best to keep people posted on whether it works for all armors.


Until then, consider this matter solved. (For the most part)

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