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Scripting Help/Question


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I love the "Breath of Fire" spell from Midas Magic Spells of Aurum but its WAY to underpowered... So I decided to try and beef it up a bit but I'm not sure exactly how I would go about doing this...


Here is the script from in the spell it has another effect that"s labeled as a Script Effect but its blank except for having "Fire Damage 9pts for 4sec" written in the effects title.


All I want to do is increase the Fire Damage... Help please? :confused:


scn MidasBreathShootScript


; - - Used for Multiple Breath Spells


ref me

ref myBall

ref myLauncher

float timer

float myX

float myY

float myZ

float fixZ

float myAngle

short doState

short index


; initial position vector

float xPos

float yPos

float zPos


; fly vector

float dx

float dy

float dz


; private

float ang

float xang

float yang

float zang

float x

float x2

float sin

float cos




Begin ScriptEffectStart

set me to GetSelf

set ang to me.GetAngle z

if ang > 180

set ang to (ang)-360


set zang to ang

set x to ang*0.0174532925

set x2 to x*x

set sin to x*(1-(x2/6)*(1-(x2/20)*(1-(x2/42)*(1-(x2/72)*(1-x2/110)))))

set cos to 1-0.5*x2*(1-(x2/12)*(1-(x2/30)*(1-(x2/56)*(1-x2/90))))

set dx to 10*sin

set dy to 10*cos


; vertical fly vector

set ang to me.GetAngle x

set xang to ang*cos ; uses settings from Horizontal Vector

set yang to -ang*sin


set x to -ang*0.0174532925

set x2 to x*x

set sin to x*(1-(x2/6)*(1-(x2/20)*(1-(x2/42)*(1-(x2/72)*(1-x2/110)))))

set cos to 1-0.5*x2*(1-(x2/12)*(1-(x2/30)*(1-(x2/56)*(1-x2/90))))

set dz to 10*sin


; initial position vector (to add to player coords)


set xPos to 5*dx*cos

set yPos to 5*dy*cos

set zPos to 120-25*(me.IsSneaking)+5*dz

set MidasQuest.SpellZoff to 120


if me.isSpellTarget MidasFireBreathSpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorFireBreathRef

set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasHeatBeamTouchSpell

elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasFrostBreathSpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorFrostBreathRef

set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasFreezeRayTouchSpell

elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasHolyBreathSpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorHolyBreathRef

set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasHolyBeamTouchSpell

elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasPestilenceSpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorBugBreathRef

set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasPestilenceTouchSpell

elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasPerfumeBreathSpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorPerfumeBreathRef

set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasPerfumeCalmSpell

elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasSmokeBreathSpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorSmokeBreathRef

set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasSmokeTouchSpell

elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasSandBlastSpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorSandBlastRef

set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasSmokeTouchSpell

elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasFireballFrenzySpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorFireballFrenzyRef

set MidasQuest.SpellZoff to 75

set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to StandardFireDamageTarget1Novice

elseif isSpellTarget MidasVulcanSpell

set myBall to MidasActivatorVulcanRef

Set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasMagmaStreamTouchSpell

Set MidasQuest.StreamStartSpell to MidasMagmaTouchSpell



if myBall != me

set MidasQuest.Proj to myBall

myBall.SetDestroyed 0

myBall.Activate me 1

myBall.moveto me xpos ypos zpos

myBall.SetAngle z zang

myBall.SetAngle y yang

myBall.SetAngle x xang

set myZ to MyBall.Getpos z

myBall.Setpos z MyZ





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The reason being, like I expected his spells to be, it doesn't damage him directly due to this spell.


if me.isSpellTarget MidasFireBreathSpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorFireBreathRef
set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasHeatBeamTouchSpell
elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasFrostBreathSpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorFrostBreathRef
set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasFreezeRayTouchSpell
elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasHolyBreathSpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorHolyBreathRef
set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasHolyBeamTouchSpell
elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasPestilenceSpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorBugBreathRef
set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasPestilenceTouchSpell
elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasPerfumeBreathSpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorPerfumeBreathRef
set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasPerfumeCalmSpell
elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasSmokeBreathSpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorSmokeBreathRef
set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasSmokeTouchSpell
elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasSandBlastSpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorSandBlastRef
set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasSmokeTouchSpell
elseif me.isSpellTarget MidasFireballFrenzySpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorFireballFrenzyRef
set MidasQuest.SpellZoff to 75
set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to StandardFireDamageTarget1Novice
elseif isSpellTarget MidasVulcanSpell
set myBall to MidasActivatorVulcanRef
Set MidasQuest.StreamSpell to MidasMagmaStreamTouchSpell
Set MidasQuest.StreamStartSpell to MidasMagmaTouchSpell 


what happens is it's reading variables to determine WHICH spell to use. This spell casts on him, and what you see is flashy stuff, and the affect is another spell being cast again on the target. Basically, look for things like MidasMagmaStreamTouchSpell, and ETC. These are the real spells that do the actual damage.


If this has helped solve your problem feel free to Kudos to show appreciation, otherwise, if you either feel it not deserving of a kudos or hate me because I never said the word monkey to you, then you can either rest assured as I just said Monkey twice now, or either way still feel free to....


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



Look, to the right is another monkey.

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Thanks, will be back tomorrow after I give it a shot and give you a Kudo... as it is its WAY to late and I'm running on low so looking thru scripts atm might jsut give me a seazure... I shall wait till I'm more rested :laugh:


*falls asleep on keyboard" :turned:

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Thank you, and hope it works. If you need help in the future just shoot me a PM. About anything, day or night, I'll help if I can.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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