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My First Mod


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I made my first simple mod. A house just over the river from the prison exit.

I decided to give myself a stable and a horse, i copied and renamed the horse (The black horse) and gave it a bit of extra speed.

The trouble is wherever i go it always wonders off! . Its not a problem in one sense cos when i fast travel its always there , but its annoying that its never were i left it and i cant find it!

Any help would be appreciated. TIA.

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its not the mod its the horse. u c all the horses wander off. what u do is when u fast travel. get on the horse and then get off and the horse will stay there :D
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its not the mod its the horse. u c all the horses wander off. what u do is when u fast travel. get on the horse and then get off and the horse will stay there :D



God that was a quick reply! :)

But wherever i travel too, be it a city or a ruin whatever, it always vanishes!

If i fast travel to Anvil say , i go and get a quest, i come back out its gone !

I have to fast travel back to Anvil stables so i can find the horse and ride to my destination.


I hope i am making sense here.

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I think i understand. so what ur saying is that it wanders back to the stables. if thats so thats probably a scripting prob and i cant help u. if it isnt what i think u said, could u repeat it in english plz :P
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I think i understand. so what ur saying is that it wanders back to the stables. if thats so thats probably a scripting prob and i cant help u. if it isnt what i think u said, could u repeat it in english plz :P



It could well be a scripting problem, which is above my learning curve ! :) At the moment.

Thanks for your help and quick response Vulture, much appreciated. :)

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Try making sure the horsereference (the one in render window) is set to being owned by the player. After that, it seems that player horses are actually scripted to only be enabled when you've bought or earned them from a quest. In order to get around that, you'll need to make a new script.


Something like.

ScriptName HorsePCBlackScript


Short RespawnHorse

Short TellPC

Short Mounted


Begin OnDeath

Set RespawnHorse to 1

Set Horses.xxx to 0 ;replace xxx with the ref of your horse

Set Mounted to 0

ModPCMiscStat 14 -1



Begin OnPackageEnd zzz ;make a package with a travel to return to stable

; ;replace zzz with package name

If TellPC == 0 && Mounted == 1

MessageBox "Your Black horse has returned to its stable."

Set TellPC to 1





Begin OnActivate

if isActionRef player == 1

Set Mounted to 1


Set TellPC to 0





Should use the HorsePCBlackCheydinhal form as a reference for what packages to use.

You'll need to make a copy of the return home package, make it point to your stable, and replace the one in the Horse's AI. This should work, but I'm unsure as to how it will handle death. On a side note, you end up getting a horse fairly early in game, you might be better off just improving that one, and not having to deal with the scripting functions related to adding a new stable, and making sure the horse works properly. Hell, could just add the gold sitting there in a pile outside Cheydinhal for you to just buy one.

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