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mod request

assassin no1

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hi i have a mod request and yes i did post in the request thread, it's to clutterd, single mod request's are better i think. Well anyway, you probably saw it there some where already, ok here it is again.


How about a mod that walks, talk's, fight's, pick's up loot and i mean all loot and has a infinite carrying capacity. Also has inf health as well, like important npc's.


i think its aready been done, can someone drop a link or something, it would be a cool mod as stated before.


aggression is the key to success, or really anoy someone.


Shadow hide you :ph34r: 8)

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Wrong area, already been said, still not really possible. There are these things called packages, sure, they can be used to pick up stuff, but when it comes to looting a body, even if corpse check is on, the NPC just stands there. I have personally spent hours trying to make an NPC loot a killed bandit, it doesn't happen. At best, the only thing I could get them to do was take food off a creature, then eat it. Even if this wasn't the case, the find package still would have to be called from a script, and a seperate package would need to be added for armor, weapons, ingrediants, potions, and such. All this is forgoing the fact that you might actually want to get the items off the NPC. To do that you would need to setup something entirely different, which already exists within the Companion Share and Recruit mod. Really, the only sensable way of doing anything like this would be to use that mod, loot the items yourself, then give the items to someone following behind you.


Or better yet, just get a mod that increases your own carrying capacity, and not have to bother with someone trying to follow you, and getting lost half the time.


That said. All these requests do not need a new topic, doing so only adds clutter to the board as each and every one of those try getting more attention to their impractical or impossible ideas by either posting a new topic *cough* or bumping their old one. By having it all in a single topic, it constantly gets bumped so that anyone looking for a few ideas, or something to shake their head at knows where to go.

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oop's sorry wrong area.


hey thanks any way's, i thought someone would pick it up, ho well...


if its data nothing's impossible.


Possible is one thing, worth trying to script when you can simply download one of the MANY mods that increase your own carrying capacity, and loot everything yourself, is something entirely different. Including 5 hours of additional tests last night, I have spent more than enough time trying to make something like this work. It simply doesn't, the base coding of the game just doesn't allow for it in any way that you might want to use it. Sure, you can have an NPC walk to a specific NPC, and remove a specific item from their inventory. But trying to apply it to less specific things just doesn't work because there is no way to get the references involved to script with them. And, as said, you would still need a way to remove those items from the NPC that picked them up, or else that NPC would eventually be unable to move, even 5000 feather constant won't allow that much more carrying. In addition, when you access a large inventory, it takes a hell of alot of processing to calculate weights, having feather involved with this only requires more processing, be it on you, or anything you're accessing. It is also possible that this processing may need to happen even when you aren't accessing a container, but an NPC with a large inventory is.


Also, as said, you would constantly have to babysit that NPC to make sure they aren't caught in the terrain, getting killed, or worse. Neither an Essential NPC, nor one with constant health regen can survive falling into lava, drowning, or a few other situations. And just expecting someone to follow behind you, live forever, do all your fighting, loot all your corpses is just plain LAZY, why even bother playing at that point.


Third, after you get to level 10 or so, money isn't too hard to get, even without looting everything you kill. Just taking the weapons from demora tends to get you a few thousand from each gate you close. Caves, ruins, ect will get you some more, depending on what you pick up, and who you try selling to. The fact that it takes time to get that money means that you have something to do. How many people are there on this board who have done all the questst, killed everything, and don't know what to do with themselves? Despite what you might think, having something like this might sound nice, but will end up killing the game for you.


If you want to sell more, download one of the mods that increases your carrying capacity. If you want someone to fight for you, download one of the companion mods. Something like this is just plain rediculous once you get past the initial "wow" factor. Take it from someone who has already done alot of scripting with companions and NPCs, after that initial reaction, you only end up trying to fix all the other problems that go along with it. Or do I need to go into detail about the hour I spent trying to get a companion out of the space inbetween two stone blocks, and a slope. Or how they can often break quests because they start attacking everyone. Or how they can get stuck behind some load doors, constantly get in the way of combat, get caught behind due to bad pathing, and all the other examples that show exactly how many problems there are with companions.

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