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Suggestions, suggestions, how I love suggestions.


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Hi there


We are all here for a reason, we love Dragon Age and the mods give fuel to that DA:O habit we try to quench and its thirst never ceases to settle.


I am wondering in this topic. If a fellow wants some bitching looking scars and tattoos, what mods should one download? Chargen offers a few, but I have a couple of...Specific ones that I need help finding


Light Scars (The ones that aren't so faded they don't exsist, but not dark enough to be a gruesome wound. Ex: Kristoff's Eye and Nose scar)

Large tattoos that cover the neck and a portion of the face

Tattoos and Scars that cover the left eye instead of the right (the default tattoo that covers one eye is on the right side, alt version mayhaps?)


I know this sounds like this should be in the request section of the forum, but I am curious if anything is already out there that this fellow can use to make his created characters (with written stories ^^) can have more well...character to them.




-The Preacher

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