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Concept: Childhood Revisioned


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I don't know if this has been suggested before, so here goes.


As it stands, while the opening sequences in Vault 101 serve fine as a tutorial for a first-time player, they leave a lot to be desired for someone who has been through the game a few times. You're pretty much on rails for the whole thing, with the development of your life and your relationship to others in the Vault predestined, ignoring almost anything you or your character may think, say, or do. At least for the better.


This all culminates in your eventual escape from the Vault, in which you have only two options for your escape - sneak past everyone or slaughter your way through them. For role-players or even someone playing a social-focused character, this isn't a particularly fun time. People you've supposedly known all your life are mostly reduced to easy bits of exp and equipment, provided you want to beat their heads in with a baseball bat or blow them away with gun.


What I propose would be a complete revision of not merely the escape sequence, but everything starting all the way back to your earliest moments of childhood. Being completely inexperienced with G.E.C.K., I honestly don't know if half of what I'm going to suggest is even doable, hence putting it up as a request. No idea if anyone will look at it, but maybe someone will and, if not following the request itself, at least be inspired enough to make something similar.


So, here goes...



- Two Mutually Exclusive Quest Perks

The very FIRST quest of the game will determine something about you. Changing the object of the quest from simply leaving the playpen after Dad leaves to instead leaving the playpen OR waiting for Dad to return. You would have a minute to make your choice, after which point the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute assignment book would open anyway.


Depending on if you chose to leave the playpen or wait for Dad, you would end up with one of two perks.


PERK: Little Homebody

Even as a toddler, you've been happier with four walls around you. The great outdoors hold no mystery or appeal. Gain 5% experience bonus while in interior settings.


Gained by NOT leaving the playpen within a minute of the quest initiation. If you wait and Dad reenters, the dialog he offers (in subtitle form, unless someone can pull a good Liam Neeson impression) would change as well.


DAD: Well, look at you. Still snug as a bug in there. You're quiet the little homebody, aren't you? Let me get you out of there.


After which point the gate is opened and the rest of BABY STEPS proceeds as normal.


PERK: Little Explorer

Nothing can hold you back! Right from the get go, you've wanted to be out there and on the move, to see and experience everything! Gain 5% experience bonus while in outdoor settings.


Gained by leaving the playpen within a minute of the quest initiation. BABY STEPS proceeds as normal.




Your birthday party should have been an experience rife with roleplay and social experiences, but instead is just an excuse to let Butch punch you and show what a dink the Overseer is. This is your childhood, so it should be a chance to determine just who your friends in the future are going to be. Heck, if your charming enough, it could well be EVERYONE.


- Additional Dialog and A Gift From Officer Gomez

Officer Gomez has always been the friendliest member of the security force, not to mention the father of one of the few among your peers who treats you with a modicum of politeness. A chat with Gomez at your party should be a bit more than him coming to your rescue when Butch decides to start a fight. You can now initiation a dialog with Officer Gomez.


GOMEZ: Happy birthday! I'm sorry Freddy couldn't be here, but... well, anyway he wanted me to be sure to tell you happy birthday from him too.



1. Too bad he couldn't come. I almost never see him in class either.

GOMEZ: Yeah, he's got... difficulties. Maybe next year he'll feel up to it. Anyway, I've got a nice bottle of Nuka-Cola he sent along for me to give you. Enjoy.


2. He's still stuck in bed, huh? I hope he gets better soon. Tell him I said so. And take him a balloon!

GOMEZ: Thanks, I will. You're a nice kid. Oh, before I forget, here you go! An ice cold bottle of Nuka-Cola. Don't drink it all at once or... well, your dad will kill me. Heh.


3. Geeze, I can't believe you're still buying into him being sick all the time. I don't know who is a bigger butthead, him for pulling it or you for eating it.

GOMEZ: You been spending time around Butch? Listen you, my son IS sick. Ask your dad. And ask him to tan your hide while you're at it. Take this and get out of my face.


In all dialog options, Gomez gives the player an Ice-Cold Nuka-Cola.



- Butch and the Gang

While admittedly not the nicest of kids, it should still be possible for a character of high enough Charisma to befriend these three and even join their gang.



Butch isn't ALL bad, just poorly raised. You get the feeling the poor kid is mostly just desperate for attention, so some actual kindness might go along way. High charisma unlocks the option to successfully share the sweetroll with him. Obviously you must actually still have the sweetroll. If you chose not to share, your relationship with Butch remains unchanged from the standard game.


PLAYER. [CHARISMA 8+] Why don't we share it? Half for me, half for you. That's fair, right?

BUTCH:'Why don't we share it?' What are you, a baby or something? ... alright, FINE, I guess half a sweetroll is better than nothing, so fork it over.


Seeing as Butch tends to be a jerk, this alone should be enough to make friends with him, just pacify him for the party. However, you CAN befriend him with additional bribery. If you have the ICE-COLD NUKA-COLA from Officer Gomez, you'll have the option of sharing that with him as well, which makes him treat you about as well as he treats Wally and Paul.



1. [iF ICE-COLD NUKA-COLA IS IN INVENTORY] Want to split half a Nuka-Cola with me too? Should help wash it down.

BUTCH: Yeah, sure. My mom almost never lets me have one. She says we need the ration coupons for "more important" things. [END DIALOG - Ice-Cold Nuka Cola removed from Inventory. Friends with BUTCH]


2. Enjoy!

BUTCH: I already am, so get lost. [END DIALOG - Sweetroll removed form Inventory]




Paul is sort of the sheep of the gang. There is a nice kid in there, but he just goes along with what everyone else tells him and mostly just seems to want to be with "the cool kids." Befriending him wouldn't be that hard, particularly if you had something he thought was cool. After getting the Pre-War Kids Cap from Stanley, you'd unlock a dialog with Paul where he expresses interest in it. CHARISMA 6 or better allows you to give Paul the hat as a gift.


PAUL: Oh maaaaan. A pipboy AND a baseball cap? It must be great being ten.



1. Yeah, it's awesome! Everyone gives me the best stuff!

PAUL: You don't have to brag... [END DIALOG]


2. [CHARISMA] You want it? The hat, I mean. You can have it.


PAUL: Whoa, really?



1. Yeah, go ahead. It'll look better on you than me.

PAUL; Uh... gee, thanks. I, uhhh, this is really nice of you. [END DIALOG - Pre-War Kids Cap removed from Inventory. Friends with PAUL]


2. Not a chance! Ha! You really thought I'd give you my birthday present? Dork.

PAUL: Whatever, buttbreath. [END DIALOG]


Befriending Paul, even without joining the Tunnel Snakes, will have later effects with Security Chief Hannon during ESCAPE!




Wally apparently suffers from short man's disease and hates playing second-banana to Butch. Something to make him feel more macho would be right up is alley. After getting the Grognak the Barbarian comic from Amata, unlock dialog with Wally. After Wally gloats about your not being invited to his birthday party, the comic can be given as a belated birthday gift.



1. [CHARISMA 6+] Sounds like it was a lot of fun. Hey here, why don't you take this? Kind of a belated birthday present, since I wasn't there to give you one.

WALLY: ... for me? No kidding? But I... I mean, why would YOU give me something? .... no one but my dad even gave me a present. That's almost cool of you. Almost. [END DIALOG - Grognack the Barbarian comic removed from Inventory. Friends with WALLY]


2. Uh-huh. And your big brother dressed up like a clown, right? Oh no wait, that's just how he always looks.

WALLY: What? Hey! Shut up about my brother! He's going into security and I'm gonna tell him you said that. See how funny you think you are when he throws you into a cell. [END DIALOG]



- Joining the Tunnel Snakes

Befriending Butch, Wally, and Paul will open dialog with Butch where you are given the chance to join their gang.


~Outloud in Subtitles (temporarily silence Rest of the Room to prevent override)~

BUTCH: Alright, maybe I was wrong about you. You're not AS big of a butthead as you look. Hey, I've got an idea? Why don't you join our gang? It's going to be super-cool. We'll own this Vault!

WALLY: Yeah, if you ever think of a name.

BUTCH: Shut up, Wally! You're not doing any better than me.

PAUL: Hey, uh, maybe [she/he] has an idea?



Butch: Yeeeeah, hey! Thats your first duty as a member of the gang. Think of a name for us! And it better not be something stupid, you got it?



1. How about the Steel Kings? You know, because we'll rule like Kings and we live in a big steel box?

BUTCH: Eh, that's not BAD, but it's still kinda lame. Maybe something with snakes in it instead. [END DIALOG - Join Gang]


2. You like snakes, right? How about the Vault Vipers? Or the Corridor Cobras? Or the Tunnel Snakes?

BUTCH: Hey, yeah. Tunnel Snakes! I like the sound of that one! Paul, Wally; what do you guys think? Oh who am I kidding, you dorks DON'T. Okay, we're the TUNNEL SNAKES from now on! [END DIALOG - Join Gang]


3. [sTRENGTH 7+] Go bite your thumb, Butch. If I'm in this gang, then I'm leading it and I say YOU guys come up with the name.

BUTCH: W-what? Hey, hold on a minute, this gang was MY idea and... well... fine I guess. Maybe we can take turns being in charge or something. [END DIALOG - Join Gang]


4. Names aren't really my strong point...

BUTCH: Ug, you're no better than these two. Am I the ONLY one with any brains in this gang? Fine, I'll do it. [END DIALOG - Join Gang]


5. Thanks, Butch, but I don't really think my dad would want me in a gang. I think he'd rather have me spend my time after class studying.

BUTCH: Your DAD? STUDYING? I give you a chance to join the coolest thing in this can and THAT'S all you got? Forget I even offered, daddy's {boy/girl]. [END DIALOG]


6. You? Own the Vault? That'll be the day. You guys can't even own a pipboy, let alone a vault.

BUTCH: Suit yourself, dorkface. You're going to be the first on our list when we take over. [END DIALOG]


Joining the Tunnel Snakes will have no effect until FUTURE IMPERFECT. If you have joined the gang, you start out dressed in a TUNNEL SNAKES JACKET instead of a normal Vault Jumpsuit. Additionally, you gain the following perk.


PERK: Tunnel Snakes RULE!

Brawls and cherry bombs are your bread and butter, baby! Your time rough-housing and getting rowdy with your boys has given you an edge over all the vault-losers when it comes to getting in a fight. You gain an additional 5 points in Unarmed and Explosives.


If you chose DIALOG OPTION 5, you start FUTURE IMPERFECT with a VAULT LABCOAT instead of a Vault Jumpsuit. In addition, you gain a free rank of the DADDY'S BOY/GIRL perk.



- Officer Kendall Dialog

Officer Kendall is the only security officer other than Gomez who you encounter on more than one occasion, making your birthday the perfect time to open up a dialog with him that could have further reaching implications. The player must initiate the dialog to converse with Officer Kendall


KENDALL: Sounds like everybody is having a good time in there! Happy birthday.



1. Thanks, Officer Kendall!

KENDALL: Sure. You have a good day now, [son/little missy]. [END DIALOG]


2. I wish Christine would have come. I can't believe Mister Brotch put her in detention on my birthday.

KENDALL [iF PLAYER MALE]: You know, Wally said HE wished she was at his birthday too. I think I'd better start keeping an eye on her... [END DIALOG]

KENDALL [iF PLAYER FEMALE]: She's a little picky about being around other girls, so I doubt she would have wanted to go anyway. Nothing personal. I'd better get back to work. [END DIALOG]


3. [CHARISMA 5] Why don't you go join them, officer? The more the merrier, right?

KENDALL: Tempting, but I'm on duty you know...



1. Oh, I understand.

KENDALL: A busy Vault is a happy Vault, the Overseer says. Speaking of which, he wants me to get everyone back to work soon, so if you'll excuse me. [END DIALOG]


2. [CHARISMA 7+] C'mon, Officer Kendall! I won't tell if you don't. We got music and balloons and whats LEFT of a cake if you can scrape it off Andy's sawblade. I bet Amada even had a party hat that'll fit you!

KENDALL: Okay, okay! You talked me into it. Never got to lick cake off a buzzsaw before. That's got to be worth trying once. [END DIALOG]


If you convince Officer Kendall to join the party, instead of his usual patrol he enters the Diner and takes a seat next to Officer Gomez. Being friendly and talking Officer Kendall into joining the party can have later effects during ESCAPE!



... ending here for the moment, before moving onto Future Imperfect and Escape!. Any thoughts from anyone so far, even just to let me know it couldn't be done? Merci.

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Yes. Definitely. I was already planning on trying to expand the CG quest. This is just...kudos.

It could be a few months, though. I'm still tied up with some old stuff and I don't know all that much about quests yet.


Thanks for the props, Nadin! Know you say it would be a few months, but do you think you'd be able to do anything with the idea and dialog? If so, I'll probably keep posting from the script I was writing up. Or I could PM it to you.

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I'm still relatively clueless when it comes to scripts, and marginally better at quests. I am fairly good with audio editing, though. I like this idea, but it looks like it's going to end up as a team project. Still, please, post any and all ideas.
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Your teenage years are a lot better developed than your childhood, but there are still plenty of chances that were missed here, in particular with your fellow class mates.


- Alternate Solutions to the Tunnel Snakes and Amata

Most of these are based on the idea of you having actually joined up with the Tunnel Snakes. Wally Mack already has one that reveals something about his character, so additional dialog for him is unnecessary.




1. [TUNNEL SNAKES PERK] Hey Butch, why don't you ease off Amata, huh?

BUTCH: What? You sweet on the little female dog or just turning soft on us? Fine, we'll lay off, but you and me? We're gonna have a talk about this. [END DIALOG - BUTCH, WALLY, and PAUL go into class with their usual parting shots. Positive Karma Change]


2. [TUNNEL SNAKES PERK, STRENGTH 7+] What'd I tell you squares about trying to play around with Amata? I said she's strickly off limits. You wanna reminder about why I run this sorry ass gang?

BUTCH: Uh, no boss! We were just playing, honest! Look, we're stopping, we're getting out of her way, see? [END DIALOG - BUTCH, WALLY, and PAUL go into class without further comment. No Karama Change..]


3. [TUNNEL SNAKE PERK, CHARISMA 8+] Y'know Butch, I've been thinking. Amata's dad is the Overseer, isn't he? He could really put us in the boiler if he caught us giving her a hard time. BUT, if we let her pal around with us instead...

BUTCH: ... yeah. YEAH. I like the way you think sometimes. Hell we could use a little sweetmeat in this sausagefest of a gang anyway. Here, take this and give it to her. Tell her she's one of US now. [END DIALOG - TUNNEL SNAKES JACKET removed from BUTCH and added to PLAYER inventory. BUTCH, WALLY, and PAUL go into class without further comment]



If you're part of the gang or not, you can try this angle with any of the Tunnel Snakes. Each has their own response.


1. [CHARISMA 7+] Why do you have to pick on Amata? Don't you know how cruel that is? She's been sweet on you for years now and all you ever do is give her a hard time.


BUTCH: So she knows a good thing when she see's it. Don't change what she is or that she gets any breaks, but if she's lucky, I'll let her see my knife after class. [DIALOG CONTINUES]


WALLY: Who cares? You think I got time for broads? My brother says they ain't nothing but trouble anyway. [DIALOG CONTINUES]


PAUL: ... she... she DOES? Oh... hell, I didn't know. I mean, she barely even talks to me. Barely even LOOKS at me when Butch is around. I figured she was hooked on him or something. I... I feel like such an ASS now. Damn it, I can't do this. Butch? I... I'm done. I'm splitting. [END DIALOG - PAUL heads for class. BUTCH and WALLY follow soon after. No Karma Change]



If the player has already joined the Tunnel Snakes, they can instead chose to join in with their fellow Tunnel Snakes instead of helping her out.




1. [TUNNEL SNAKES PERK] You kidding, fat-hips? You really asking me to turn on my friends when they're standing right there? Thought you had better brains than that, but looks like your brain is as flat as your chest, ain't it?

AMATA: God, I forgot how you turn into such a complete turkey whenever they're around. Never mind. Forget I ever asked you anything, you immature angel. [END DIALOG - AMATA heads to class. Negative Karma.]


You can then initiate dialog with Butch.


BUTCH: Ha HA! You really stuck it to that little female dog. Don't let no body forget that Tunnel Snakes are for life and Tunnel Snakes Rule! [END DIALOG - BUTCH, WALLY, and PAUL head to class]



If you tell Paul that Amata is romantically interested in him, the dialog with Amata changes somewhat when you speak to her.


AMATA: Wow, I've never seen Paul actually stand up to Butch before. What did you tell him?




1. I told him you had a crush on him.

AMATA: You WHAT? You jerk! Don't you remember how he acted when he thought Sussie liked him? Ug, the last thing I need is Paul Hammon following me around like a puppy dog. Though, I guess it IS better than having him pick on me all the time. [END DIALOG]


2. Nothing important. Oh, but if you find any gifts outside your door? Not from me. *Grin*



If you convince Butch to let Amata to join the gang, the diaglog with Amata chances somewhat when you speak to her.

1. Here, Amata. Put this on and you never have to worry about Butch and the boys bothering you again. You're one of us, now.

AMATA: Thanks. I don't really want to BE a Tunnel Snake, but if you think it's the only way, I trust you. ... oh yuck, it even SMELLS like Butch. [END DIALOG - TUNNEL SNAKES JACKET removed from PLAYER inventory and placed in AMATA inventory. AMATA equips. No Karama Change]


If this path is taken, Amata will continue to wear the Tunnel Snakes Jacket throughout ESCAPE! as well.


- Freddie Gomez Dialog

Despite the claims in the medical lab computer that Freddie acts like a bully, he's the only one of your classmates in the original who seems at all nice to you. Like father like son? Either way, it would be nice to get to actually talk to him.


FREDDIE: You nervous about the test? I'm not.



1. I'm shocked you're even here. How many days of class did you miss this year?

FREDDIE: Too many. But my dad said I HAD to come to this one. Guess if you miss the G.O.A.T., you get slated for garbage burner. Ug. [END DIALOG]


2. I'm not nervous at all. I've got this thing all figured out already.

FREDDIE: Yeah? Why not be a pal and let me in on the secret? Or maybe you shouldn't. I mean, what if you're wrong? I don't want to end up cleaning toilets or something just because you picked one answer instead of another. But then, what if that happens with the answers I give? Oh man... [END DIALOG]


3. [PERCEPTION 6+] Freddie, are you sure you're okay? You're shaking like a leaf.

FREDDIE: What? What? No, I'm FINE. Really, I... I... oh who am I kidding? I'm so nervous about this stupid test, my knees are knocking. Why did my dad make me show up today? [END DIALOG]


3. [iNTELIGENCE 7+] Yeah, it won't be hard at all. I mean, only an IDIOT couldn't perform advanced trigomatry in their head or recite the seventh radification of the D.C. civil service charter from memory.

FREDDIE: W-what? Is THAT what you guys were doing while I was stuck in bed?! Oh god. Oh GOD! I can't... I can't DO this! [END DIALOG - FREDDIE flees the classroom. Negative Karma]


4. [ENDURANCE 7+] We'll be whatever the tests say we'll be. No matter what it is, we just have to buckle up and push on. No one really loves their job, they just find other things to be happy about.

FREEDIE: Whoa. I never really thought about it that way. Yeah. Okay. Yeah! I think... I think I can do this. Thanks. [END DIALOG - Positive Karma]


- Christine Kendel Dialog

One of your few female classmates and officer Kendel's oldest daughter, Christine is apparently introverted and deeply unhappy in the Vault. Never the less, the player should at least have a CHANCE to speak with her, even if she doesn't care about what you have to say.



CHRISTINE: Oh, uh, hi. Why are you talking to me?

1. Just saying hello. We never really talk much and after today, we probably won't even see each other very often.

CHRISTINE: Nothing personal, but I don't really care. I wouldn't care if I never saw anyone in this vault again. So... goodbye. [END DIALOG]


2. How do you think you'll do on the G.O.A.T.?

CHRISTINE: My mom wants me in science or home economics department, but who cares? It doesn't matter what job we get, we'll still be trapped in this stupid cramped hole in the ground for the rest of our lives. Just thinking about it gets me depressed... [END DIALOG]


3. Hey, who wrote that about you on the black board? That's kind of mean.

CHRISTINE: Probably Butch or Wally or someone. It doesn't matter. I'm not going to be stuck in this class with them OR you soon anyway. [END DIALOG]


4. [CHARISMA 7+] Since you don't care about anything anyway, just wanted to let you know that I already passed along word of how loose you are to all the guys in the maintainence department. Yeah, they pretty much pushed the Overseer into making sure you ended up down there with them. Have fun, bow-legs.

CHRISTINE: Y-you turkey! I... I'm not going into maintence anyway! I'm going into the science department! Or home economics, like my mom wants! I am! I... I am... oh God please say I am... [END DIALOG - Negative Karma]


5. [AGILITY 7+] I wanted to show you something. Little trick Andy taught me. Check this out! *Pretend to pull a Nuka-Cola cap from behind her ear* Ta-da!

CHRISTINE: Was that supposed to impress me or something?



1. No, but it took your mind off the vault and the G.O.A.T. for a few seconds, didn't it?

CHRISTINE: I... yeah. It did. Hm, thanks. You're weird, but I think I kind of like that. [END DIALOG - Gain 1 cap. Positive Karma]


2. C'mon, you smiled! You know you did!

CHRISTINE (Smiling Facial Expression): Just at how STUPID it was. You are SO immature. [END DIALOG - Gain 1 cap. Positive Karma]


3. You mean it didn't? Andy told me that one got you every time...

CHRISTINE: Yeah when I was four. But... thanks for trying, I guess. [END DIALOG - Gain 1 cap. Positive Karma]


- G.O.A.T. Graduate Perk

The G.O.A.T. Graduate Perk is a variable perk (read, multple exclusive perks) you get for actually taking the G.O.A.T. Filling it your yourself, before OR after the test, gives you nothing. You only gain it by accepting the tests outcome with the dialog response. This can be done with one of two dialog options.


1. Wow! That's what I've always wanted to be! My dreams are finally coming true!





2. Oh, uh... great. At least my dad will be happy I'm not a garbage burner.

MR. BROTCH: Don't take it too hard. Almost no one actually wants the job the G.O.A.T. gives them. We just gotta do what we gotta do. [END DIALOG - Go to Skill Tag Screen]


Exactly which form of the Perk you recieve depends entirely on which result Mr. Brotch gives you when you hand it in.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Vault Chaplin

Being the only only person in the Vault who answered to someone higher than the Overseer had it's perks. If only He would answer back, since everyone wanted to come to YOU with their problems. Gain +5 to Speach.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Laundry Cannon Opperator

You're hear to kick ass and clean shorts! Unfortunately, all you have are a big pile of shorts.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Pedicurist

After studying them for three years, your knowledge and understanding of human feet has become equaled only by your hatred of them. You do +5 damage when targeting legs in VATS.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Waste Management Specialist

One mans trash is anothers treasure, right? Wrong. As you know by now, garbage is garbage and treasure is treasure and the only difference is spotting something valuable in all the muck. You find slightly more caps when searching containers.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Vault Loyalty Inspector

So some people called you a snoope, a sneak, a two-faced dirty backstabber. You were only doing your job. It's not your fault people feel compelled to keep personel journels on easily broken into computers. Gain +5 to Science.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Clinical Test Subject

You can't even begin to imagine what this job might have been like if your dad wasn't the only doctor in the Vault. Thankfully dad kept the tests relatively harmless, though there was that ONE time... Stimpacks heal by an additional 5%.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Fry Cook

Three years of bubbling oil and burning your fingers. If you never see, smell, or taste another spud again, it will be too soon. By this point ANYTHING seems to taste better by comparison. All Food items heal slightly more.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Jukebox Technician

From Vault 101 to the Wasteland, you were there to rock it all night long! The Jukeboxes would never break down if someone wasn't there to use them till 2am, right? You gain +1 to your Perception in the hours between 9pm and 5am.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Pip-Boy Programmer

Now you know why Stanley had so many headaches.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Tattoo Artist

You are an ARTIST! and the body is your canvus. If only anyone appreciated your style. Some days it felt like you spent more times taking tattoos off than putting them on. Gain +5 to Energy Weapons.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Shift Supervisor

Of course the Overseer hated you. Every shift under your leadership had a 10% productivity increase. It was only a matter of time before you had his job, then you could have let everyone out. Way to go, dad. Companions in your company do slightly more damage.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Marriage Councelor

A marriage is like a tricycle and the marriage councelor the third wheel that keeps it upright. At least, that's what you were told to say when you stuck your nose into things. Is it really any wonder people feel a little defensive around you? Companions in your company have slightly increased damage resistance.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Little League Coach

Teamwork, sportsmanship, and fun; that's what baseball is all about! Except in Vault 101, where it seemed to mean 'hit the coach with balls, in the balls. Bats too, if you can manage.' What does not kill you makes you stronger and raises your singing voice an octave. Gain slight damage resistance.


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Masseuse

It didn't matter how many times you tried to explain to them you were a masseuse, NOT the Vault Bicycle, they still wanted to take you for a ride. You showed them though. It is amazing how many muscles in the human body can be caused to hurt with a single touch. Gain +5 damage when Unarmed.


As a rule, I tried to avoid solid numbers for these except where it seemed approriate. I also tried to make them feel 'Perk-y' as best I could. I honestly couldn't think of good benefits to fit to Laundry Cannon Opperator or Pip-Boy Programmer. Everything that came to mind seemed extremely unbalanced compared to the others. Suggestions and edits are welcome.


That would conclude the changes in FUTURE IMPERFECT. ESCAPE!, the final step, would be the most complicated and I'm still getting the details there hashed out. Should have it posted in a few days though.

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Pip-boy programmer gives you +5 repair.

Laundry cannon operator slightly increases your accuracy with big guns.

Thank you for doing this. Let's hope to see it finished.


Technically, unfortunately, I'm not really "doing" anything yet beyond posting dialog in the vain hope someone takes interest enough to work on it with me. I like to think I'm an okay writer, but I'm hopeless when it comes to working the G.E.C.K. for all but the most simple tasks.


Also, good suggestion for Pip-Boy Programmer. Think I thought of a better one for Laundry Cannon Operator (since I was trying to generally avoid having them stack directly on top of what the job tagged).


PERK: G.O.A.T. Graduate: Laundry Cannon Operator

You're here to kick butt and clean shorts, and all you got is a big pile of shorts. Your three year fight against filth has left you as upset by people with poor personal hygiene as it has about dirty clothes themselves. It's time to purify the unclean. You deal +5% damage against Raiders and Wastelanders.

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Damn, some of those are hillarious in the most awesomest way possible. The amount of info and effort you put into this is second to none, brilliant job, seriously.


I can help troubleshoot scripting problems if you need a hand, don't have enough time to put a heap of work in though. That sorta extends to quest modification, but its not something I'm well versed in, so pretty much anyone who has read through the GECK tutorials on quest making will be as up-to-speed as I am.


Pretty much everything you've said is easily doable (quest and perks). Although if I remember right, food and stimpack healing values are kept on the actual items, so the items check for the perks when eaten and heal according to what they find, so every food object would have to be modified, as well as stimpacks. Could cause a fair few compatibility issues. Same deal with companions: Stock companions could be given an effect which would apply the boost if you have the appropriate perk, mods which modify them could cause compatibility issues.

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